AWS Auto Scaling allows you to discover scalable resources underlying your application and scale them all using a single scaling plan. Previously, AWS Auto Scaling discovered application resources based on an Amazon CloudFormation stack. Now, AWS Auto Scaling can also discover scalable resources that you have categorized for your application using resource tags. Resource tag-based AWS Auto Scaling is available for Amazon EC2, Amazon EC2 Spot Fleets, Amazon DynamoDB tables and Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs), and Amazon Aurora Replicas. Amazon ECS services cannot be discovered through tags at this time, and are currently supported by AWS Auto Scaling only through Amazon CloudFormation stacks.
In addition, a scaling dashboard is now automatically created in the AWS Auto Scaling Console for each of your scaling plans. This makes it easy to visualize utilization of each resource as it is tracking to target thresholds, and verify that scaling is operating as expected.
Get started today by creating your first scaling plan. For best practices on tagging strategies, see recommendations from AWS Answers.