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The Most Productive Meetings Have Fewer Than 8 People
vgajic/Getty Images There are many problems with the way most meetings are run. One of the most political is the invite list. Deciding who to include can be tough but too many managers default to including everyone. In an effort to not make anyone feel left out, they unknowingly decrease the quality of the meeting. […]
The Most Productive Meetings Have Fewer Than 8 People
vgajic/Getty Images There are many problems with the way most meetings are run. One of the most political is the invite list. Deciding who to include can be tough but too many managers default to including everyone. In an effort to not make anyone feel left out, they unknowingly decrease the quality of the meeting. […]
The Most Productive Meetings Have Fewer Than 8 People
vgajic/Getty Images There are many problems with the way most meetings are run. One of the most political is the invite list. Deciding who to include can be tough but too many managers default to including everyone. In an effort to not make anyone feel left out, they unknowingly decrease the quality of the meeting. […]
If Strategy Is So Important, Why Don’t We Make Time for It?
Jonathan-Knowles/Getty Images Almost every leader wants to make more time for strategic thinking. In one survey of 10,000 senior leaders, 97% of them said that being strategic was the leadership behavior most important to their organization’s success. And yet in another study, a full 96% of the leaders surveyed said they lacked the time for strategic […]
How Are You Protecting Your High Performers from Burnout?
Phil Ashley/Getty Images A little over a year ago, a high-performing specialist at one of the largest technologies companies — we’ll call him Santiago — was given an opportunity no high performer could turn down: an opportunity to play a manager role on a project he really cared about. The director told him, “You care about this; you […]
How Do We Combat Ageism? By Valuing Wisdom as Much as Youth.
Andrew Chislett/EyeEm/Getty Images In a San Francisco federal court, the Communication Workers of America union recently expanded the scope of the class action suit they filed last December against some of the country’s largest employers — a diverse list of companies that included Amazon, T-Mobile, Capital One, and Enterprise Rent-a-Car — accused of deliberately targeting their […]
How to Identify and Tell Your Most Powerful Stories
Jeong Woo Kim/EyeEm/Getty Images When I ask executives what their favorite speech is, Steve Jobs’s Stanford commencement address is always at the top of the list. Many think of Jobs’s talk as their favorite because it is incredibly moving — thanks to the stories it contains. Execs love to hear talks like this, but few […]
💡317 Power Words That’ll Instantly Make You a Better Writer 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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How to Identify and Tell Your Most Powerful Stories
Jeong Woo Kim/EyeEm/Getty Images When I ask executives what their favorite speech is, Steve Jobs’s Stanford commencement address is always at the top of the list. Many think of Jobs’s talk as their favorite because it is incredibly moving — thanks to the stories it contains. Execs love to hear talks like this, but few […]
How to Identify and Tell Your Most Powerful Stories
Jeong Woo Kim/EyeEm/Getty Images When I ask executives what their favorite speech is, Steve Jobs’s Stanford commencement address is always at the top of the list. Many think of Jobs’s talk as their favorite because it is incredibly moving — thanks to the stories it contains. Execs love to hear talks like this, but few […]
How to Identify and Tell Your Most Powerful Stories
Jeong Woo Kim/EyeEm/Getty Images When I ask executives what their favorite speech is, Steve Jobs’s Stanford commencement address is always at the top of the list. Many think of Jobs’s talk as their favorite because it is incredibly moving — thanks to the stories it contains. Execs love to hear talks like this, but few […]
How to Identify and Tell Your Most Powerful Stories
Jeong Woo Kim/EyeEm/Getty Images When I ask executives what their favorite speech is, Steve Jobs’s Stanford commencement address is always at the top of the list. Many think of Jobs’s talk as their favorite because it is incredibly moving — thanks to the stories it contains. Execs love to hear talks like this, but few […]
💡User Experience Design & The Mobile Responsive Revolution – Infographic 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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✨ 12 Pieces Of Advice For Workaholic Entrepreneurs 3. Adjust Balance Many clients face this challenge and my approach is always simple. Take inventory of you: self/home/rest/health/work. See where you are spending the most and the LEAST time. That’s where you’ll find a solution for those areas not in balance. Take the time to readjust your calendar and tackle one of those areas in need of TLC, which typically means there is growth to unlock behind it.
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3 Biases That Hijack Performance Reviews, and How to Address Them
Scott Barbour/Getty Images When we talk about bias, we often tie it to acts of discrimination or prejudice. But according to cognitive science, everybody, by virtue of having a brain that’s constantly seeking efficiency, is biased in some way — and not all biases make us actively malicious. The key is how we manage our […]
How Investment Advisors Are Tackling Leadership Challenges – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM TD AMERITRADE
The challenges facing leaders today create a complex business landscape: Your business is more global, the pace is faster, technology is reframing your competitive world while customers, armed with more information and more choices, are changing their expectations and demands. That picture also reflects the challenges that face the more than 6,000 registered investment advisors […]
✨ 12 Pieces Of Advice For Workaholic Entrepreneurs 3. Adjust Balance Many clients face this challenge and my approach is always simple. Take inventory of you: self/home/rest/health/work. See where you are spending the most and the LEAST time. That’s where you’ll find a solution for those areas not in balance. Take the time to readjust your calendar and tackle one of those areas in need of TLC, which typically means there is growth to unlock behind it.
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How Investment Advisors Are Tackling Leadership Challenges – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM TD AMERITRADE
The challenges facing leaders today create a complex business landscape: Your business is more global, the pace is faster, technology is reframing your competitive world while customers, armed with more information and more choices, are changing their expectations and demands. That picture also reflects the challenges that face the more than 6,000 registered investment advisors […]
When Did the U.S. Stop Seeing Teachers as Professionals?
J PAT CARTER/Getty Images Teachers have had enough. Since March, schools in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arizona, Colorado and North Carolina have either been shut down or turned into sites of resistance. In Kansas, teachers are threatening to strike because their legislature continues to fund schools at a level the state Supreme Court has deemed […]
What Western Companies Need to Know About Partnering with Startups in India and China
px photography/Getty Images There are two contemporary strategic imperatives, among others, that many executives are grappling with: (1) competing in emerging markets and (2) partnering with startups to gain exposure to novel ideas and opportunities. While each on its own is hard enough to accomplish, in concert these imperatives pose a formidable challenge — yet one that […]
Getting People to Help You
Heidi Grant, a social psychologist, explains the right ways and wrong ways to ask colleagues for help. She says people are much more likely to lend us a hand than we think they are; they just want it to be a rewarding experience. Grant is the author of Reinforcements: How to Get People to Help […]
Getting People to Help You
Heidi Grant, a social psychologist, explains the right ways and wrong ways to ask colleagues for help. She says people are much more likely to lend us a hand than we think they are; they just want it to be a rewarding experience. Grant is the author of Reinforcements: How to Get People to Help […]
Getting People to Help You
Heidi Grant, a social psychologist, explains the right ways and wrong ways to ask colleagues for help. She says people are much more likely to lend us a hand than we think they are; they just want it to be a rewarding experience. Grant is the author of Reinforcements: How to Get People to Help […]
Getting People to Help You
Heidi Grant, a social psychologist, explains the right ways and wrong ways to ask colleagues for help. She says people are much more likely to lend us a hand than we think they are; they just want it to be a rewarding experience. Grant is the author of Reinforcements: How to Get People to Help […]
Getting People to Help You
Heidi Grant, a social psychologist, explains the right ways and wrong ways to ask colleagues for help. She says people are much more likely to lend us a hand than we think they are; they just want it to be a rewarding experience. Grant is the author of Reinforcements: How to Get People to Help […]
💡5 Tips for Creative Brainstorming and Staying Unique 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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How Liberals and Conservatives Shop Differently
hbr staff/thelinke/Getty Images After the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, in February 2018, Dick’s Sporting Goods announced that it would no longer sell semiautomatic rifles in its hunting and fishing stores (it had already stopped selling them at its main stores after the December 2012 Sandy Hook School shooting). The company has gone on to […]
Women at Work: Back in September with Season Two!
We’re delighted to be making more episodes for you. Download this podcast Help shape our conversations by responding to these questions. You can answer as few or as many as you’d like: What work decisions do you struggle with? Do you overthink? Stress about making the best choice? Is there a strategy you’ve found useful […]
It’s Not Always Clear What Constitutes Sexual Harassment. Use This Tool to Navigate the Gray Areas.
Peter Dazeley/Getty Images The #MeToo movement started by activist Tarana Burke gained momentum in October of 2017 when actress Alyssa Milano invited women on Twitter to respond “me too” to her tweet if they’d experienced sexual harassment or abuse. Women did so across social media, telling their stories and revealing the extent to which so […]
What’s Holding Women in Medicine Back from Leadership
Reza Estakhrian/Getty Images For over 25 years, women have made up at least 40% of U.S. medical students. This past year, more women than men were enrolled in U.S. medical schools. Yet overall women make up only 34% of physicians in the U.S., and gender parity is still not reflected in medical leadership. Women account […]
Why Is Crying at Work Such a Big Deal?
MakiEni/Getty Images I couldn’t stop crying. Months of late evenings and demanding travel had cracked my professional exterior. I tried to present my quarterly numbers while my colleagues squirmed in their seats, offered me a box of tissues, or just stared. My boss abruptly ended the meeting. My colleagues quickly evacuated the room. I was […]
Why Is Crying at Work Such a Big Deal?
MakiEni/Getty Images I couldn’t stop crying. Months of late evenings and demanding travel had cracked my professional exterior. I tried to present my quarterly numbers while my colleagues squirmed in their seats, offered me a box of tissues, or just stared. My boss abruptly ended the meeting. My colleagues quickly evacuated the room. I was […]
Why Is Crying at Work Such a Big Deal?
MakiEni/Getty Images I couldn’t stop crying. Months of late evenings and demanding travel had cracked my professional exterior. I tried to present my quarterly numbers while my colleagues squirmed in their seats, offered me a box of tissues, or just stared. My boss abruptly ended the meeting. My colleagues quickly evacuated the room. I was […]
💡Historical Algorithm Changes For Google From 2003 to 2015 – Infographic 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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✨ Eight Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Writing Their First Business Plan 3. The Big Picture Clients sometimes get caught in the “weeds” with business plan essentials. I challenge my clients to take a creative pause in the process and make time to answer the why — the end goal behind the business plan. Any collaborating members should partake and design an outline on what’s ethereal about the business: passion, mission, vision and why. It will fuel your plan.
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Can Being Overconfident Make You a Better Leader?
OLI SCARFF/Getty Images When Apple CEO Steve Jobs approached AT&T about partnering on a new kind of mobile phone — a touchscreen computer that would fit in your pocket — Apple had no expertise in the mobile market. Yet AT&T executives quickly came to believe so strongly in Job’s vision that they skipped internal process protocols to […]
Are Countries Prepared for the Increasing Threat of Engineered Bioweapons?
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Amid current outbreaks of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Nipah virus in India, an even scarier threat looms. Last year, researchers recreated an extinct smallpox-like virus with DNA bought online for just $100,000 and published how they did it. Their feat heightens concerns that rogue regimes and terrorists […]
How Marketers Can Connect Profit and Purpose
Andy Roberts/Getty Images It takes time for a big idea to make its way into business practice. Six years ago, Harvard’s Michael Porter and FSG’s Mark Kramer made the bold statement that shared value — the idea that the purpose of a company is to achieve both shareholder profit and social purpose — would “reinvent capitalism.” They […]
Getting Doctors to Make Better Decisions Will Take More than Money and Nudges
Tim Robberts/Getty Images Research has repeatedly shown that U.S. patients receive recommended care only half of the time. It is also known that patients receive non-recommended or “low-value” care as much as 20% of the time. Despite the proliferation of evidence-based guidelines to improve clinicians’ practice patterns, clinicians often don’t respond to them. So healthcare […]
✨ Eight Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Writing Their First Business Plan 3. The Big Picture Clients sometimes get caught in the “weeds” with business plan essentials. I challenge my clients to take a creative pause in the process and make time to answer the why — the end goal behind the business plan. Any collaborating members should partake and design an outline on what’s ethereal about the business: passion, mission, vision and why. It will fuel your plan.
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Getting Doctors to Make Better Decisions Will Take More than Money and Nudges
Tim Robberts/Getty Images Research has repeatedly shown that U.S. patients receive recommended care only half of the time. It is also known that patients receive non-recommended or “low-value” care as much as 20% of the time. Despite the proliferation of evidence-based guidelines to improve clinicians’ practice patterns, clinicians often don’t respond to them. So healthcare […]
Getting Doctors to Make Better Decisions Will Take More than Money and Nudges
Tim Robberts/Getty Images Research has repeatedly shown that U.S. patients receive recommended care only half of the time. It is also known that patients receive non-recommended or “low-value” care as much as 20% of the time. Despite the proliferation of evidence-based guidelines to improve clinicians’ practice patterns, clinicians often don’t respond to them. So healthcare […]
💡Psychology of Color: Why We Love Certain Shades 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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💡Psychology of Color: Why We Love Certain Shades 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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💡13 Magic Questions To Help You Quickly + Easily Craft Your Perfect Coaching Offer – Infographic 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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✨ Revamping Your Company Culture? Follow These 16 Tips 16. Let Collaboration Define Your Results Create a team-building clinic designed to identify the aspects of company culture the organization deems important and encourage all employees to participate. Conduct it similar to a retreat where the outcome is unique, letting the fabric of collaboration define its results. Ingrain these findings into the company’s core values as a synergistic effort, promoting the dynamics of change leadership.
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✨ Revamping Your Company Culture? Follow These 16 Tips 16. Let Collaboration Define Your Results Create a team-building clinic designed to identify the aspects of company culture the organization deems important and encourage all employees to participate. Conduct it similar to a retreat where the outcome is unique, letting the fabric of collaboration define its results. Ingrain these findings into the company’s core values as a synergistic effort, promoting the dynamics of change leadership.
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What to Do When Your Boss Won’t Advocate for You
baranozdemir/Getty Images Having a great boss is a potentially life-changing gift. On the other hand, many of us know firsthand that having a bad boss can cause a lot of drama, headaches, and stress. While it’s easy to love the great bosses and flee the bad ones, there’s one kind of boss that’s much less […]
What to Do When Your Boss Won’t Advocate for You
baranozdemir/Getty Images Having a great boss is a potentially life-changing gift. On the other hand, many of us know firsthand that having a bad boss can cause a lot of drama, headaches, and stress. While it’s easy to love the great bosses and flee the bad ones, there’s one kind of boss that’s much less […]
What to Do When Your Boss Won’t Advocate for You
baranozdemir/Getty Images Having a great boss is a potentially life-changing gift. On the other hand, many of us know firsthand that having a bad boss can cause a lot of drama, headaches, and stress. While it’s easy to love the great bosses and flee the bad ones, there’s one kind of boss that’s much less […]
Why Workplaces Need to Be Fairer to Working Dads
Artiga Photo/Getty Images Each year around Father’s Day, some businesses take a moment to express well wishes for the working dads among the staff. Unfortunately, that sensibility is too often short-lived. Seventy-three percent of U.S. working fathers say there is little workplace support for fathers, according to a new survey from Promundo and Dove Men+Care. […]
The Death of Supply Chain Management
Alistair Berg/Getty Images The supply chain is the heart of a company’s operations. To make the best decisions, managers need access to real-time data about their supply chain, but the limitations of legacy technologies can thwart the goal of end-to-end transparency. However, those days may soon be behind us. New digital technologies that have the […]
3 Ways to Identify Cultural Differences on a Global Team
Rolfo Brenner/EyeEm/Getty Images In almost any business these days, you are guaranteed to interact with people whose cultural background is quite different from your own. In a global organization, you may have colleagues that come from a different country. You may partner with organizations whose employees come from another part of the country. There may […]
How Employers in Poor Countries Are Using Nudges to Help Employees Save Money
HBR Staff One of the most common ways to get people to save is through their employer. In particular, behavioral economics—that marriage of economics and psychology that has put terms like “nudge” into the popular lexicon—has provided a powerful tool for increasing savings, in the form of the default enrollment. The idea is simple: people save […]
In Interviews, Female CEOs Say They Don’t Expect Much Support — at Home or at Work
Hero Images/Getty Images Women who have already made it to the top say that the only person who will get you there is yourself. While many researchers and observers have examined the structural and other barriers that limit women’s progress through the ranks, we wanted to explore a different question: how have the few women […]
💡7 Tips For Planning Blog Content Like A Boss 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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In Interviews, Female CEOs Say They Don’t Expect Much Support — at Home or at Work
Hero Images/Getty Images Women who have already made it to the top say that the only person who will get you there is yourself. While many researchers and observers have examined the structural and other barriers that limit women’s progress through the ranks, we wanted to explore a different question: how have the few women […]
In Interviews, Female CEOs Say They Don’t Expect Much Support — at Home or at Work
Hero Images/Getty Images Women who have already made it to the top say that the only person who will get you there is yourself. While many researchers and observers have examined the structural and other barriers that limit women’s progress through the ranks, we wanted to explore a different question: how have the few women […]
In Interviews, Female CEOs Say They Don’t Expect Much Support — at Home or at Work
Hero Images/Getty Images Women who have already made it to the top say that the only person who will get you there is yourself. While many researchers and observers have examined the structural and other barriers that limit women’s progress through the ranks, we wanted to explore a different question: how have the few women […]
In Interviews, Female CEOs Say They Don’t Expect Much Support — at Home or at Work
Hero Images/Getty Images Women who have already made it to the top say that the only person who will get you there is yourself. While many researchers and observers have examined the structural and other barriers that limit women’s progress through the ranks, we wanted to explore a different question: how have the few women […]
Annoying Subordinates
Does your direct report get on your nerves? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions with the help of Art Markman, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin and cohost of the podcast Two Guys on Your Head. They talk through […]
Annoying Subordinates
Does your direct report get on your nerves? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions with the help of Art Markman, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin and cohost of the podcast Two Guys on Your Head. They talk through […]
Annoying Subordinates
Does your direct report get on your nerves? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions with the help of Art Markman, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin and cohost of the podcast Two Guys on Your Head. They talk through […]
Annoying Subordinates
Does your direct report get on your nerves? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions with the help of Art Markman, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin and cohost of the podcast Two Guys on Your Head. They talk through […]
Annoying Subordinates
Does your direct report get on your nerves? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions with the help of Art Markman, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin and cohost of the podcast Two Guys on Your Head. They talk through […]
💡77 Facts on Cyber Crimes You Should Know About in 2018 – INFOGRAPHIC 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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✨ When Establishing A Personal Brand, Start With Where You Are Right Now 2. Write A Mission Statement Defining your personal brand is similar to constructing the framework of a successful corporation. It’s important to use similar tactics in identifying the core competencies that outline your persona at the brand level. Find the key message that you want to convey with every interaction and impression you make. Write the mission statement that describes you and continue to build a strategy behind it.
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To Retain New Hires, Make Sure You Meet with Them in Their First Week
rawpixel/unsplash First impressions in the workplace really matter — and not just to the employer. New employees can begin to formulate impressions about organizations from the get-go, influencing their decision to stay with the company in the long term. Poor onboarding experiences can lead to unnecessary and preventable turnover, the cost of which can be […]
The 6 Ways to Grow a Company
Juj Winn/Getty Images The term “innovation” is often associated with geniuses turning startups into gold mines — the next Google, Apple, or Amazon, with products no one even knew they needed. Private equity firms place hundreds of little bets on these startups, hoping one produces a windfall that covers the rest. These bets on the next […]
To Compete with Amazon, Big-Name Consumer Brands Have to Become More Like It
Kulka/Getty Images Over the last decade, e-commerce has imposed a painful profit squeeze on big-box retailers, resulting in layoffs, store closings, mall reconfigurations, and even bankruptcies. With no reprieve in sight for retailers, the online world is poised to do the same to brand-name consumer products companies. One of the core reasons that this is […]
When Workplace Cultures Support Paternity Leave, All Employees Benefit
Gary John Norman/Getty Images Employers are increasingly finding ways to meet the needs of working fathers, offering them family leave, flexible scheduling, and affordable child care options. But fathers remain reluctant to take full advantage of this support, despite professing to want to be equal partners with mothers in child care, with all the diapering, […]
Drowning in Work? Here’s How to Ask a Colleague for Help.
HBR Staff Raise your hand if you have an insurmountable pile of projects on your to-do list and an inbox so terrifying to behold that you can hardly bear to behold it. Cue the sea of arms waving wildly. You have too much to do. You can’t do it alone. You need people to help […]
✨ When Establishing A Personal Brand, Start With Where You Are Right Now 2. Write A Mission Statement Defining your personal brand is similar to constructing the framework of a successful corporation. It’s important to use similar tactics in identifying the core competencies that outline your persona at the brand level. Find the key message that you want to convey with every interaction and impression you make. Write the mission statement that describes you and continue to build a strategy behind it.
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Drowning in Work? Here’s How to Ask a Colleague for Help.
HBR Staff Raise your hand if you have an insurmountable pile of projects on your to-do list and an inbox so terrifying to behold that you can hardly bear to behold it. Cue the sea of arms waving wildly. You have too much to do. You can’t do it alone. You need people to help […]
Drowning in Work? Here’s How to Ask a Colleague for Help.
HBR Staff Raise your hand if you have an insurmountable pile of projects on your to-do list and an inbox so terrifying to behold that you can hardly bear to behold it. Cue the sea of arms waving wildly. You have too much to do. You can’t do it alone. You need people to help […]
How to Lead When You’re Feeling Afraid
Juanmonino/Getty Images I’d known Jeff (not his real name) for many years, as a client and as a friend, but I’d never seen him so thrown. I could feel his fear, his sense of uncertainty. And it was with good reason. Jeff was the head of sales for a company whose product was, more or […]
The AT&T Ruling Shows That U.S. Regulators Don’t Understand Media’s Present — or Future
HBR Staff/George Caswell/Steven Errico/Getty Images This week’s decision by U.S. District Judge Richard Leon to allow AT&T and Time Warner to complete their merger will bring to a close a deal that has been pending for almost two years. In his blistering, 172-page decision, Judge Leon did much more than simply reject the government’s claim that combining […]
Before Automating Your Company’s Processes, Find Ways to Improve Them
MirageC/Getty Images One of the most recent automation technologies to emerge is robotic process automation, or RPA. RPA is a category of software tools that enable complex digital processes to be automated by performing them in the same way a human user might perform them, using the user interface and following a set of predefined rules. […]
How to Make Your Post-Merger Reorg a Success
japatino/Getty Images Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity is booming. From the $68 billion CVS-Aetna deal to the $27 billion merger of Microsoft and LinkedIn, 2017 set records with more than 50,000 deals, valued at $3.7 trillion. This momentum is continuing into 2018 with the bidding war for UK media company Sky ($24–$30 billion) and Microsoft’s […]
Using AI and Machine Learning for Agile Development and Portfolio Management – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM CA TECHNOLOGIES
By Ayman Sayed, President and Chief Product Officer, CA Technologies You’ve probably already heard of the rise in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) across many industries and applications. But, what about the application of AI and ML to agile development, testing and even portfolio management? We’re all striving to deliver better products faster […]
To Regain Consumers’ Trust, Marketers Need Transparent Data Practices
MirageC/Getty Images It’s a good time to be a consumer. New digital business models have flipped the customer-brand relationship on its head. No longer do consumers need to do their own background research on a product or company to find what they are looking for. Instead, brands come to us. There are more options and […]
How Working Parents Can Manage the Demands of School-Age Kids
Mint Images/Getty Images For working parents with school-age children, this time of year is especially chaotic. The season brings end-of-the-school-year projects, state testing, report cards, parent-teacher conferences, the transition to 10 long weeks of child care arrangements, the awkwardness of explaining to colleagues why you’re out of the office again, the need to follow up […]
How Working Parents Can Manage the Demands of School-Age Kids
Mint Images/Getty Images For working parents with school-age children, this time of year is especially chaotic. The season brings end-of-the-school-year projects, state testing, report cards, parent-teacher conferences, the transition to 10 long weeks of child care arrangements, the awkwardness of explaining to colleagues why you’re out of the office again, the need to follow up […]
💡Content Writing: 100 Lifestyle Blog Post Ideas 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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How Working Parents Can Manage the Demands of School-Age Kids
Mint Images/Getty Images For working parents with school-age children, this time of year is especially chaotic. The season brings end-of-the-school-year projects, state testing, report cards, parent-teacher conferences, the transition to 10 long weeks of child care arrangements, the awkwardness of explaining to colleagues why you’re out of the office again, the need to follow up […]
How Working Parents Can Manage the Demands of School-Age Kids
Mint Images/Getty Images For working parents with school-age children, this time of year is especially chaotic. The season brings end-of-the-school-year projects, state testing, report cards, parent-teacher conferences, the transition to 10 long weeks of child care arrangements, the awkwardness of explaining to colleagues why you’re out of the office again, the need to follow up […]
How Working Parents Can Manage the Demands of School-Age Kids
Mint Images/Getty Images For working parents with school-age children, this time of year is especially chaotic. The season brings end-of-the-school-year projects, state testing, report cards, parent-teacher conferences, the transition to 10 long weeks of child care arrangements, the awkwardness of explaining to colleagues why you’re out of the office again, the need to follow up […]
💡Business Pages: Facebook Marketing Do’s & Don’ts 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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✨ 19 Tricks To Shift Your Mind Toward Optimism 19. Evaluate Your Circle Of Influence As humans, we are highly influenced by those we keep close to us. It is important to take inventory of those closely within your circle of influence to measure the energy they are exuding into your thoughts. Reevaluate the influencers that may be draining you from a steady flow of positive energy and limit your time with them. Give particular advantage to those individuals who seem to lift you up.
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✨ 19 Tricks To Shift Your Mind Toward Optimism 19. Evaluate Your Circle Of Influence As humans, we are highly influenced by those we keep close to us. It is important to take inventory of those closely within your circle of influence to measure the energy they are exuding into your thoughts. Reevaluate the influencers that may be draining you from a steady flow of positive energy and limit your time with them. Give particular advantage to those individuals who seem to lift you up.
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How to Become More Self-Aware
Tasha Eurich, an organizational psychologist and executive coach, talks about why we all should be working on self-awareness. Few people are truly self-aware, she says, and those who are don’t get there through introspection. She explains how to develop self-awareness through the feedback of loving critics and how to mentor someone who isn’t self-aware. Eurich […]
✨ 19 Tricks To Shift Your Mind Toward Optimism 19. Evaluate Your Circle Of Influence As humans, we are highly influenced by those we keep close to us. It is important to take inventory of those closely within your circle of influence to measure the energy they are exuding into your thoughts. Reevaluate the influencers that may be draining you from a steady flow of positive energy and limit your time with them. Give particular advantage to those individuals who seem to lift you up.
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Your Flex Work Culture Doesn’t Help Employees If It Hurts Their Careers
Ian Nolan/Getty Images When you think about who needs flexibility at work to manage personal and family responsibilities, who comes to mind? If you are like most people, you envision a working mom. The prevailing assumption is that working mothers are the ones who want and need flexibility at work. To be sure, many working […]
Enhancing Customer Insights with Public Location Data
William Andrew/Getty Images The pervasive adoption of mobile devices has driven an explosion of contextual user information, including geolocation data, which has become a valuable resource for marketers. However, a lack of technical skill sets among marketers has made it difficult for them to use this data (when they have access to it) effectively. Plus, […]
How Mergers Change the Way Your Company Competes
Jorg Greuel/Getty Images M&A and partnership deals are at an all-time high. But what about competition? The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) wants to know too. It is reviewing or arguing this question in court for a slew of proposed mergers — AT&T-Time Warner, T-Mobile-Sprint, CVS-Aetna, and Express Scripts-Cigna, to name a few. A court decision […]
The Future of Human-Machine Partnerships in Business and Everyday Life – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM DELL TECHNOLOGIES
Will technology cost jobs in the long run, or increase them? Who is set up best for success in the fourth industrial revolution? In this edition of Trailblazers, a podcast series brought to you by Dell Technologies, we investigate the future of robotics. Join Walter Isaacson, former CNN Chairman and CEO, as he and Gary […]
Is Your Company Ready for the Rise of Smart Cities?
ROGER HARRIS/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images The movement to make cities smarter is transforming municipal governments worldwide. But that’s only one side of the story. For companies, smart cities represent major business opportunities — and not only for tech firms selling systems to government agencies. Technology is reconfiguring traditional roles and divisions of labor. City governments […]
What Managers Can Do to Keep Women in Engineering
vgajic/Getty Images Engineering faces a serious gender-based retention problem. Despite all the efforts encouraging women to study engineering, over 40% of highly skilled women who enter the field end up leaving. Much has been written about why women in the field leave, but we wanted to better understand what encourages some women to stay. In 2014 […]
✨ 19 Tricks To Shift Your Mind Toward Optimism 19. Evaluate Your Circle Of Influence As humans, we are highly influenced by those we keep close to us. It is important to take inventory of those closely within your circle of influence to measure the energy they are exuding into your thoughts. Reevaluate the influencers that may be draining you from a steady flow of positive energy and limit your time with them. Give particular advantage to those individuals who seem to lift you up.
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What Managers Can Do to Keep Women in Engineering
vgajic/Getty Images Engineering faces a serious gender-based retention problem. Despite all the efforts encouraging women to study engineering, over 40% of highly skilled women who enter the field end up leaving. Much has been written about why women in the field leave, but we wanted to better understand what encourages some women to stay. In 2014 […]
What Managers Can Do to Keep Women in Engineering
vgajic/Getty Images Engineering faces a serious gender-based retention problem. Despite all the efforts encouraging women to study engineering, over 40% of highly skilled women who enter the field end up leaving. Much has been written about why women in the field leave, but we wanted to better understand what encourages some women to stay. In 2014 […]
How to Give a Webinar Presentation
david arky/Getty Images As more and more companies cultivate a global workforce and international client base, it’s increasingly necessary to present remotely. For years, teleconferencing was the best option, but in the past five years internet speeds and web conferencing technologies have become sufficiently robust to support a shift to live video streaming. But presenting in […]
Why Managers Shouldn’t Have the Final Say in Performance Reviews
Lucidio Studio Inc/Getty Images Performance evaluation systems are critical for evaluating, motivating, and rewarding employees, but companies are hard-pressed to find a system that achieves these goals and promotes fair evaluations. Inconsistencies and biases in the evaluation process can leave employees dissatisfied and demotivated, especially if undeserving employees are rewarded and recognized while more deserving […]
3 Common M&A Pitfalls, and How to Avoid Them
Eugene Mymrin/Getty Images M&A deals that are made for the purpose of acquiring new technology can make or break a company. At worst, a disastrous deal leads to wasted effort and dollars, often in the millions or even billions. On the flip side, a strategic transaction can catapult a company into first-mover position, give a […]
Research: How Sexual Harassment Affects a Company’s Public Image
Krzysztof Dydynski/Getty Images The wave of sexual harassment reports in recent months has resulted in the dethroning of high-profile men in media and entertainment, sports, business, and politics. At the same time, social media, such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, have made public conversation about the issue hyper visible and easier to organize — as was the case for the […]
Research: How Sexual Harassment Affects a Company’s Public Image
Krzysztof Dydynski/Getty Images The wave of sexual harassment reports in recent months has resulted in the dethroning of high-profile men in media and entertainment, sports, business, and politics. At the same time, social media, such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, have made public conversation about the issue hyper visible and easier to organize — as was the case for the […]
💡6 KILLER WAYS TO DRIVE TRAFFIC TO YOUR BLOG 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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Research: How Sexual Harassment Affects a Company’s Public Image
Krzysztof Dydynski/Getty Images The wave of sexual harassment reports in recent months has resulted in the dethroning of high-profile men in media and entertainment, sports, business, and politics. At the same time, social media, such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, have made public conversation about the issue hyper visible and easier to organize — as was the case for the […]
Research: How Sexual Harassment Affects a Company’s Public Image
Krzysztof Dydynski/Getty Images The wave of sexual harassment reports in recent months has resulted in the dethroning of high-profile men in media and entertainment, sports, business, and politics. At the same time, social media, such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, have made public conversation about the issue hyper visible and easier to organize — as was the case for the […]
Research: How Sexual Harassment Affects a Company’s Public Image
Krzysztof Dydynski/Getty Images The wave of sexual harassment reports in recent months has resulted in the dethroning of high-profile men in media and entertainment, sports, business, and politics. At the same time, social media, such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, have made public conversation about the issue hyper visible and easier to organize — as was the case for the […]
💡 Pantone Colors We Love 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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✨ The 15 Biggest Challenges Of Solopreneurship And How To Overcome Them 15. Mastering The Art Of Priorities Most solopreneurs have one thing in common: time constraints. Managing all aspects of a business, from marketing to operations, requires the most disciplined entrepreneurs to reach beyond their limitations. Solopreneurs must learn to balance priorities daily with flawless adaptability, while influencing the ability to manage time and readjust the tasks that are most critical to execute.
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✨ The 15 Biggest Challenges Of Solopreneurship And How To Overcome Them 15. Mastering The Art Of Priorities Most solopreneurs have one thing in common: time constraints. Managing all aspects of a business, from marketing to operations, requires the most disciplined entrepreneurs to reach beyond their limitations. Solopreneurs must learn to balance priorities daily with flawless adaptability, while influencing the ability to manage time and readjust the tasks that are most critical to execute.
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💡5 Steps To Create An EPIC Blog Post 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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💡5 Steps To Create An EPIC Blog Post 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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💡Using Marketing Psychology: Theory of Color 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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Why We Need to Update Financial Reporting for the Digital Era
Martin Konopka/EyeEm/Getty Images The market caps of just four companies, Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, and Microsoft, now exceed $3 trillion. Their combined assets of $944 billion are an order of magnitude lower than the combined assets of $7,700 billion of the largest 3,177 companies in 1986, when the aggregate market capitalization reached $3 trillion for the […]
How Vineyard Vines Uses Analytics to Win Over Customers
Daniel Sambraus/EyeEm/Getty Images When brothers Shep and Ian Murray cut their ties with Corporate America to start a little company on Martha’s Vineyard in 1998, their motivation was clear: “We’re making neck ties so we don’t have to wear them.” Little did they know that the business they founded, Vineyard Vines, would become a darling […]
Can Impact Investing Avoid the Failures of Microfinance?
Erik Dreyer/Getty Images The impact investment industry is growing rapidly, a fact that many of us in the field celebrate. In 2010, J.P Morgan projected up to $1T in investment would be deployed this decade — which would make impact investing twice the size of official development aid to the world’s less develop countries (as […]
How Johnson & Johnson and American Express Are Developing Young Leaders
Hero Images/Getty Images Over the next decade, approximately 10,000 Baby Boomers will retire every day. Young leaders will have substantial opportunity to climb the corporate ladder — by 2030, millennials alone will comprise three out of every four individuals in the U.S. workforce — and companies will increasingly grapple with how to accelerate the development of […]
Why Work Friendships Go Awry, and How to Prevent It
HBR Staff/MirageC/flashpop/Getty Images Chances are that you spend between a third and a half of your waking hours each week at work. As a result, your relationships with people at work can become among the most important relationships in your life. Indeed, having good relationships with colleagues is one of the strongest predictors of people’s […]
💡Using Marketing Psychology: Theory of Color 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 ⭐️✨
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✨ 14 Employee Well-Being Initiatives That Will Boost Engagement And Productivity 6. Emotional Intelligence Developmental Training It’s not enough to simply “discuss” emotional intelligence concepts to develop a mindfulness culture in the workplace. Strive to engage employees’ desire to elevate their “EQ” or emotional quotient by offering lunch-and-learn courses teaching practical exercises designed to enhance this muscle within. Superior EQ will heighten employee performance and increase productivity, all while reducing stress.
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Why Work Friendships Go Awry, and How to Prevent It
HBR Staff/MirageC/flashpop/Getty Images Chances are that you spend between a third and a half of your waking hours each week at work. As a result, your relationships with people at work can become among the most important relationships in your life. Indeed, having good relationships with colleagues is one of the strongest predictors of people’s […]
Why Work Friendships Go Awry, and How to Prevent It
HBR Staff/MirageC/flashpop/Getty Images Chances are that you spend between a third and a half of your waking hours each week at work. As a result, your relationships with people at work can become among the most important relationships in your life. Indeed, having good relationships with colleagues is one of the strongest predictors of people’s […]
Why Work Friendships Go Awry, and How to Prevent It
HBR Staff/MirageC/flashpop/Getty Images Chances are that you spend between a third and a half of your waking hours each week at work. As a result, your relationships with people at work can become among the most important relationships in your life. Indeed, having good relationships with colleagues is one of the strongest predictors of people’s […]