It’s hard to tell an employee they didn’t get the promotion they were vying for. Your goal should be to deliver the news clearly and with empathy. Start by validating your employee’s contributions and thanking them for applying. Avoid comforting statements like “Next time you’ll get the job,” which make promises you may not be able to keep. Be prepared to explain why they didn’t get it — for example, did they lack a certain experience, discipline, or skill set? Share how the decision was made, too. While the employee may not be happy with the outcome, it’s important that they know the process was fair. Finally, finish the conversation by saying something like: “I’d love to continue discussing your career goals, so let’s set up a time to talk about getting you the experience you need to advance.” And then be sure to follow through.
Source: Adapted from “How to Tell an Employee They Didn’t Get a Promotion,” by Rebecca Knight