Daniel Hurst Photography/Getty Images As the concept of emotional intelligence has gone global, we’ve watched professionals founder as they try to improve their emotional intelligence (or EI) because they either don’t know where to focus their efforts or they haven’t understood how to improve these skills on a practical level. In our work consulting with […]
💡7 Incredible Video Marketing Stats Every Business Should Know for 2018 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2GMPLsn
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How to Avoid Loneliness When You Work Entirely from Home
Carlo Allegri/Getty Images Working from home can be a coveted perk, allowing you to opt out of rush-hour traffic and eliminate the tedious banalities of office life. But it can also cut you off from the spontaneous interactions that can spark new insights (part of the reason Marissa Mayer famously rescinded Yahoo’s telecommuting policies). And, at […]
What Data Scientists Really Do, According to 35 Data Scientists
burakpekakcan/Getty Images Modern data science emerged in tech, from optimizing Google search rankings and LinkedIn recommendations to influencing the headlines Buzzfeed editors run. But it’s poised to transform all sectors, from retail, telecommunications, and agriculture to health, trucking, and the penal system. Yet the terms “data science” and “data scientist” aren’t always easily understood, and are […]
Research: To Get People to Embrace Change, Emphasize What Will Stay the Same
Eric Raptosh/Getty Images Common wisdom in management science and practice has it that to build support for a change project, visionary leadership is needed to outline what is wrong with the current situation. By explaining how the envisioned change will result in a better and more appealing future, leaders can overcome resistance to change. But […]
Whether a Husband Identifies as a Breadwinner Depends on Whether He Respects His Wife’s Career — Not on How Much She Earns
Harry Haysom/Getty Images Professional careers are notorious for demanding that people be single-mindedly devoted to work. It’s a demand that is often especially acute for men, who face rigid expectations that being a successful man requires having a successful career, and that “success” means power and money. Men have traditionally satisfied these expectations by taking […]
💡7 Incredible Video Marketing Stats Every Business Should Know for 2018 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2GMPLsn
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Whether a Husband Identifies as a Breadwinner Depends on Whether He Respects His Wife’s Career — Not on How Much She Earns
Harry Haysom/Getty Images Professional careers are notorious for demanding that people be single-mindedly devoted to work. It’s a demand that is often especially acute for men, who face rigid expectations that being a successful man requires having a successful career, and that “success” means power and money. Men have traditionally satisfied these expectations by taking […]
Whether a Husband Identifies as a Breadwinner Depends on Whether He Respects His Wife’s Career — Not on How Much She Earns
Harry Haysom/Getty Images Professional careers are notorious for demanding that people be single-mindedly devoted to work. It’s a demand that is often especially acute for men, who face rigid expectations that being a successful man requires having a successful career, and that “success” means power and money. Men have traditionally satisfied these expectations by taking […]
Whether a Husband Identifies as a Breadwinner Depends on Whether He Respects His Wife’s Career — Not on How Much She Earns
Harry Haysom/Getty Images Professional careers are notorious for demanding that people be single-mindedly devoted to work. It’s a demand that is often especially acute for men, who face rigid expectations that being a successful man requires having a successful career, and that “success” means power and money. Men have traditionally satisfied these expectations by taking […]
💡The Power of Digital Influence: How People See Your Website 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2J8uwCE
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Managers Think They’re Good at Coaching. They’re Not.
pbombaert/Getty Images Are you successful at coaching your employees? In our years studying and working with companies on this topic, we’ve observed that when many executives say “yes,” they’re incorrectly answering the question. Why? For one, managers tend to think they’re coaching when they’re actually just telling their employees what to do — and this behavior […]
To Make Self-Driving Cars Safe, We Also Need Better Roads and Infrastructure
Paul Taylor/Getty Images The big question around self-driving cars, for many people, is: When will the technology be ready? In other words, when will autonomous vehicles be safe enough to operate on their own? But there has been far less attention paid to two equally important questions: When will the driving environment be ready to […]
Designing AI to Make Decisions
Kathryn Hume, VP of integrate.ai, discusses the current boundaries between artificially intelligent machines, and humans. While the power of A.I. can conjure up some of our darkest fears, she says the reality is that there is still a whole lot that A.I. can’t do. So far, A.I. is able to accomplish some tasks that humans […]
Networking Myths Dispelled
David Burkus, a professor at Oral Roberts University and author of the book Friend of a Friend, explains common misconceptions about networking. First, trading business cards at a networking event doesn’t mean you’re a phony. Second, your most valuable contacts are actually the people you already know. Burkus says some of the most useful networking […]
Why Western Digital Firms Have Failed in China
Paper Boat Creative/Getty Images Many leading American digital firms, including Google, Amazon, eBay, and Uber, have successfully expanded internationally by introducing their products, services, and platforms in other countries. However, they have all failed in China, the world’s largest digital market. The widely touted reasons for these failures include censorship by the Chinese government and […]
The Best Way for Netflix to Keep Growing
jakob owens/unsplash Netflix has a lot to gain by becoming a multisided platform. Currently, Netflix is in the business of buying or making content, which it sells consumers access to at prices and on terms it fully controls (a monthly subscription). That’s unlike a platform such as YouTube, which enables myriad content providers to sell directly to […]
💡The Power of Digital Influence: How People See Your Website 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2J8uwCE
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The Best Way for Netflix to Keep Growing
jakob owens/unsplash Netflix has a lot to gain by becoming a multisided platform. Currently, Netflix is in the business of buying or making content, which it sells consumers access to at prices and on terms it fully controls (a monthly subscription). That’s unlike a platform such as YouTube, which enables myriad content providers to sell directly to […]
The Best Way for Netflix to Keep Growing
jakob owens/unsplash Netflix has a lot to gain by becoming a multisided platform. Currently, Netflix is in the business of buying or making content, which it sells consumers access to at prices and on terms it fully controls (a monthly subscription). That’s unlike a platform such as YouTube, which enables myriad content providers to sell directly to […]
The Best Way for Netflix to Keep Growing
jakob owens/unsplash Netflix has a lot to gain by becoming a multisided platform. Currently, Netflix is in the business of buying or making content, which it sells consumers access to at prices and on terms it fully controls (a monthly subscription). That’s unlike a platform such as YouTube, which enables myriad content providers to sell directly to […]
The Simple Question That Can Make or Break a Startup
Jonathan Knowles/Getty Images There’s an unassuming restaurant in Dallas called Chop House Burger, home to handspun milkshakes, truffle parmesan french fries, and six innovative burgers. It’s an eight-year-old restaurant in an industry where 80% of new entrants fail in the first five years. And stitched into its origin story is a clue to why some […]
Build Self-Awareness with Help from Your Team
Doug Perrine/Nature Picture Library/Getty Images There are lots of compelling reasons to build a better team. Great teams deliver stronger results, faster. They’re more innovative. They challenge you to learn more quickly and to be at your best. And, let’s face it — they’re simply more fun to work with. Recently, I found a new […]
What’s the Purpose of Companies in the Age of AI?
Tintan/Getty Images Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and computer technology are causing us to think again about some really basic questions: what is a firm? What can firms do better than markets? And what are the distinctive qualities of firms in a world of smart contracts and AI? While there has been a lot […]
There’s Only One Way to Break into China’s Crowded Retail Market
Martin Barraud/Getty Images China’s two retailing powerhouses, online commerce pioneer Alibaba and social media-gaming pioneer Tencent, have systematically established a duopoly of record proportions in record time. Combined, they have spent more than $20 billion in the past 12 months alone to change the way people in China shop. (The precise value of their investments […]
When Will the U.S. Finally Act Boldly on Paid Family Leave?
sandy millar/Getty Images When I gave birth to my daughter over a year ago, I worked for an employer that provides no paid parental leave: the U.S. government. I was able to cobble together vacation and sick time with unpaid leave for four months. But I did not feel ready to go back to work, […]
💡5 Facebook Advertising Tips to Help You Maximize Your Budget in 2018 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2J6Rga2
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When Will the U.S. Finally Act Boldly on Paid Family Leave?
sandy millar/Getty Images When I gave birth to my daughter over a year ago, I worked for an employer that provides no paid parental leave: the U.S. government. I was able to cobble together vacation and sick time with unpaid leave for four months. But I did not feel ready to go back to work, […]
When Will the U.S. Finally Act Boldly on Paid Family Leave?
sandy millar/Getty Images When I gave birth to my daughter over a year ago, I worked for an employer that provides no paid parental leave: the U.S. government. I was able to cobble together vacation and sick time with unpaid leave for four months. But I did not feel ready to go back to work, […]
When Will the U.S. Finally Act Boldly on Paid Family Leave?
sandy millar/Getty Images When I gave birth to my daughter over a year ago, I worked for an employer that provides no paid parental leave: the U.S. government. I was able to cobble together vacation and sick time with unpaid leave for four months. But I did not feel ready to go back to work, […]
When Will the U.S. Finally Act Boldly on Paid Family Leave?
sandy millar/Getty Images When I gave birth to my daughter over a year ago, I worked for an employer that provides no paid parental leave: the U.S. government. I was able to cobble together vacation and sick time with unpaid leave for four months. But I did not feel ready to go back to work, […]
💡INFOGRAPHIC: The Ultimate Road Map To Elevate Your Creative Skills In Graphic Design 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2qM8WgE
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💡INFOGRAPHIC: The Ultimate Road Map To Elevate Your Creative Skills In Graphic Design 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2qM8WgE
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💡How the Twitter Timeline Works (& 6 Simple Tactics to Increase Your Reach) 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2J3ZFeo
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💡How the Twitter Timeline Works (& 6 Simple Tactics to Increase Your Reach) 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2J3ZFeo
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💡INFOGRAPHIC: 7 Simple Steps To Double Your Pinterest Following 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2qIc515
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How Self-Care Became So Much Work
mark ralston/Getty Images The United States is no stranger to self-improvement, from the meditation and essential oils of the 60s to the Jane Fonda aerobics tapes of the 1980s and the fat-free-everything 1990s. “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1841, sounding a bit like a modern SoulCycle instructor. From […]
How B2B Software Vendors Can Help Their Customers Benchmark
Gillian Blease/Getty Images Knowing which organizations perform the best on any particular dimension used to require subjective surveys or painstaking research. Today, the data to answer those questions exists — it’s captured by the software-as-a-service firms whose services companies use to run their businesses. Mainstream software companies are beginning to hold “data mirrors” up to […]
New Supply Chain Jobs Are Emerging as AI Takes Hold
alashi/Getty Images Companies are cutting supply chain complexity and accelerating responsiveness using the tools of artificial intelligence. Through AI, machine learning, robotics, and advanced analytics, firms are augmenting knowledge-intensive areas such as supply chain planning, customer order management, and inventory tracking. What does that mean for the supply chain workforce? It does not mean human workers will […]
Research: Having a Black Doctor Led Black Men to Receive More-Effective Care
hero image/Getty Images In the U.S., racial and ethnic minorities have higher rates of chronic disease, obesity, and premature death than white people. Black patients in particular have among the worst health outcomes, experiencing higher rates of hypertension and stroke. And black men have the lowest life expectancy of any demographic group, living on average […]
What MoviePass Can Teach Us About the Future of Subscription Businesses
Robert Woloschanowski/EyeEm/Getty Images It has been a very rough few months for MoviePass. Since I last wrote about the company, theater operator AMC entered the subscription market, to early success, and MoviePass took out and paid back a $6 million emergency loan and flip-flopped both its pricing and its product. Lately the company has resembled […]
💡INFOGRAPHIC: 7 Simple Steps To Double Your Pinterest Following 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2qIc515
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What MoviePass Can Teach Us About the Future of Subscription Businesses
Robert Woloschanowski/EyeEm/Getty Images It has been a very rough few months for MoviePass. Since I last wrote about the company, theater operator AMC entered the subscription market, to early success, and MoviePass took out and paid back a $6 million emergency loan and flip-flopped both its pricing and its product. Lately the company has resembled […]
What MoviePass Can Teach Us About the Future of Subscription Businesses
Robert Woloschanowski/EyeEm/Getty Images It has been a very rough few months for MoviePass. Since I last wrote about the company, theater operator AMC entered the subscription market, to early success, and MoviePass took out and paid back a $6 million emergency loan and flip-flopped both its pricing and its product. Lately the company has resembled […]
What MoviePass Can Teach Us About the Future of Subscription Businesses
Robert Woloschanowski/EyeEm/Getty Images It has been a very rough few months for MoviePass. Since I last wrote about the company, theater operator AMC entered the subscription market, to early success, and MoviePass took out and paid back a $6 million emergency loan and flip-flopped both its pricing and its product. Lately the company has resembled […]
💡The New Facebook Algorithm: Secrets Behind How It Works and What You Can Do To Succeed 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2J4GBN2
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What the Best Nonprofits Know About Strategy
William Andrew/Getty Images After years of working in tech startups, which strive to transform underdog status into competitive advantage, I dove into the nonprofit world. The contrast was striking: Too few nonprofits use the advantages of their nonprofit status. In doing so, they miss out on a huge opportunity. The nonprofit model has a strategic edge beyond tax […]
The Risks and Benefits of Using AI to Detect Crime
Patrick George/Getty Images Companies are using AI to prevent and detect everything from routine employee theft to insider trading. Many banks and large corporations employ artificial intelligence to detect and prevent fraud and money laundering. Social media companies use machine learning to block illicit content such as child pornography. Businesses are constantly experimenting with new […]
The Marketing Message That Works with Republicans but Not Democrats
Lee Powers/Getty Images Luxury goods are instrumental to status signaling — our hope that people will recognize the insignia on a suitcase, or the stitching on a pair of jeans, and see us a certain way. For the $262 billion luxury market, tapping into consumers’ fundamental need for respect or admiration from others is a very […]
How to Tell Your Team That Organizational Change Is Coming
pm images/Getty Images From time to time, every leader has to deliver news that is hard for employees to hear. Even when businesses are doing well, organizational and structural change is to be expected, and acquisitions, reorganizations, or policy changes can affect people’s jobs in ways that create feelings of fear, anger, or sorrow. Each employee […]
Poor Communicators
Is miscommunication a constant problem at your workplace? In this episode of HBR’s advice podcast, Dear HBR:, cohosts Alison Beard and Dan McGinn answer your questions with the help of Holly Weeks, a lecturer at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and the author of Failure to Communicate. They talk through what to do when […]
Why Great Success Can Bring Out the Worst Parts of Our Personalities
ses/Getty Images By any measure, Elon Musk is exceptionally successful. Having cofounded and sold PayPal, he quickly moved on to launching a range of ventures with world-changing aspirations for how we generate energy, transport ourselves and our goods, interface with machines, and explore our solar system. These ventures are unified in their vision — really […]
💡The New Facebook Algorithm: Secrets Behind How It Works and What You Can Do To Succeed 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2J4GBN2
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Why Great Success Can Bring Out the Worst Parts of Our Personalities
ses/Getty Images By any measure, Elon Musk is exceptionally successful. Having cofounded and sold PayPal, he quickly moved on to launching a range of ventures with world-changing aspirations for how we generate energy, transport ourselves and our goods, interface with machines, and explore our solar system. These ventures are unified in their vision — really […]
Why Great Success Can Bring Out the Worst Parts of Our Personalities
ses/Getty Images By any measure, Elon Musk is exceptionally successful. Having cofounded and sold PayPal, he quickly moved on to launching a range of ventures with world-changing aspirations for how we generate energy, transport ourselves and our goods, interface with machines, and explore our solar system. These ventures are unified in their vision — really […]
Why Great Success Can Bring Out the Worst Parts of Our Personalities
ses/Getty Images By any measure, Elon Musk is exceptionally successful. Having cofounded and sold PayPal, he quickly moved on to launching a range of ventures with world-changing aspirations for how we generate energy, transport ourselves and our goods, interface with machines, and explore our solar system. These ventures are unified in their vision — really […]
Research: Business School Really Does Influence How Students Make Decisions Later On
Andy Roberts/Getty Images The overarching goal of most business schools is to train future leaders to lead. But how well schools meet this goal, and to what extent their teaching influences their students’ leadership, is an open question. Does business school education really shape students’ minds and behaviors many years later, when they’ve reached decision-making […]
💡27 Insider Secrets To Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts With Google Analytics Data 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2qNzc9A
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Why Even AI-Powered Factories Will Have Jobs for Humans
Yagi Studio/Getty Images It was going to be the factory of the future. Dubbed the “Alien Dreadnought,” Tesla’s new manufacturing facility in Fremont, California, was designed to be fully automated — no humans need apply. If all went well, AI-powered robots would enable the company to achieve a weekly production of 5,000 Model 3 electric […]
4 Conversations Every Overwhelmed Working Parent Should Have
Caspar Benson/Getty Images Working parents sometimes struggle with the feeling that they are either letting down their family or not meeting their career goals. It can be hard to strike the right balance. As with most of the challenges we face at work, having an open and honest conversation is one of the first steps toward finding […]
Why the U.S. Needs More Worker-Owned Companies
Klaus Meinhardt/Getty Images The gap in wealth in the United States between the ultrawealthy and everyone else has reached its widest point in decades. One way to narrow the divide is through the use of worker buyouts, in which ownership of a company transfers from a single person or a small number of people to […]
Starting a New Job? Take Control of Your Onboarding
Pgiam/Getty Images When Liz was offered a job as a product manager at a growing biotech firm, she was ecstatic. She had spent considerable time on her job search, found a company and a position that felt like a perfect fit, nailed her interviews, and negotiated smartly. But once Liz had both feet in the […]
Starting a New Job? Take Control of Your Onboarding
Pgiam/Getty Images When Liz was offered a job as a product manager at a growing biotech firm, she was ecstatic. She had spent considerable time on her job search, found a company and a position that felt like a perfect fit, nailed her interviews, and negotiated smartly. But once Liz had both feet in the […]
Starting a New Job? Take Control of Your Onboarding
Pgiam/Getty Images When Liz was offered a job as a product manager at a growing biotech firm, she was ecstatic. She had spent considerable time on her job search, found a company and a position that felt like a perfect fit, nailed her interviews, and negotiated smartly. But once Liz had both feet in the […]
How One CEO Prepared Her Organization for Her Retirement
Juj Winn/Getty Images Last year I decided it was time to shake things up at our investment management company. After 12 years as president and then CEO, I thought it was time to shift some of my responsibilities to my partners. Research suggests that organizations and their boards are poorly prepared for CEO transitions. The […]
Why the World Needs Doctors with These 3 Qualities
David Leahy/Getty Images Doctors are sometimes blamed for the ills of the U.S. health care system, but our five-year research project in India and the U.S. revealed the opposite. Almost every high-performing health care organization we studied was led by a medical professional (something that academic research has also found). What we found, while collecting case studies for […]
How Cisco Is Helping Tweens Become Tech-Savvy Global Problem Solvers – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM CISCO
By Tae Yoo, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Corporate Social Responsibility, Cisco When you think back to the first time an experience inspired you to take action, you’d likely point to your adolescent years. An engaging teacher, a passionate parent, an enthralling book, or a movie that you watched time and time again. In […]
Why Opening Up at Work Is Harder for Minorities
Katherine Phillips, a professor at Columbia Business School, discusses research showing that African-Americans are often reluctant to tell their white colleagues about their personal lives — and that it hurts their careers. She says people should expect and welcome differences at work, and she gives practical advice for strengthening connections among colleagues of different racial […]
6 Steps to Make Your Strategic Plan Really Strategic
Alicia Llop/Getty Images Why is it that when a group of managers gets together for a strategic planning session they often emerge with a document that’s devoid of “strategy”, and often not even a plan? I have one such document in front of me as I write this. It starts with a “vision” statement, moves […]
How Smart Speakers Are Poised to Reinvent the Travel Industry
HBR Staff/Victor Cardoner/Getty Images Marriott recently teamed up with Amazon to offer a hospitality version of the e-commerce giant’s Echo devices in select hotel rooms. Now, when guests want to order room service or housekeeping, they can simply ask Alexa, the voice of their disembodied personal concierge. Travelers with an Alexa device at home can […]
💡Why LinkedIn Groups Can Be Great for Businesses (and How to Create a Successful One) 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2CakPUW
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How Smart Speakers Are Poised to Reinvent the Travel Industry
HBR Staff/Victor Cardoner/Getty Images Marriott recently teamed up with Amazon to offer a hospitality version of the e-commerce giant’s Echo devices in select hotel rooms. Now, when guests want to order room service or housekeeping, they can simply ask Alexa, the voice of their disembodied personal concierge. Travelers with an Alexa device at home can […]
How Smart Speakers Are Poised to Reinvent the Travel Industry
HBR Staff/Victor Cardoner/Getty Images Marriott recently teamed up with Amazon to offer a hospitality version of the e-commerce giant’s Echo devices in select hotel rooms. Now, when guests want to order room service or housekeeping, they can simply ask Alexa, the voice of their disembodied personal concierge. Travelers with an Alexa device at home can […]
How Smart Speakers Are Poised to Reinvent the Travel Industry
HBR Staff/Victor Cardoner/Getty Images Marriott recently teamed up with Amazon to offer a hospitality version of the e-commerce giant’s Echo devices in select hotel rooms. Now, when guests want to order room service or housekeeping, they can simply ask Alexa, the voice of their disembodied personal concierge. Travelers with an Alexa device at home can […]
How Smart Speakers Are Poised to Reinvent the Travel Industry
HBR Staff/Victor Cardoner/Getty Images Marriott recently teamed up with Amazon to offer a hospitality version of the e-commerce giant’s Echo devices in select hotel rooms. Now, when guests want to order room service or housekeeping, they can simply ask Alexa, the voice of their disembodied personal concierge. Travelers with an Alexa device at home can […]
The Who, Where, and Why of Moving for a New Job
Franz Aberham/Getty Images As cities compete for Amazon’s second headquarters, many flexed their tax incentive packages and real estate options in hopes of luring the tech giant to select their city. It’s tempting to think the right financial perks is all it takes for a company to successfully expand to a new city. In fact, […]
How New Technologies Could Transform Africa’s Health Care System
KATERYNA/KONSCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images In early June, at the invitation of the European Commission to Brussels (Belgium), I toured some fascinating AI and blockchain-based projects, which the Commission is funding. Across industrial sectors, from healthcare to energy, from construction to retail, engineers are creating new technologies with potentially disruptive implications for the current architectural order […]
Research: To Be a Good Leader, Start By Being a Good Follower
pm images/Getty Images There is no shortage of advice for those who aspire to be effective leaders. One piece of advice may be particularly enticing: if you want to be a successful leader, ensure that you are seen as a leader and not a follower. To do this, goes the usual advice, you should seek […]
5 Things to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed by Your Workload
Russell Johnson/EyeEm/Getty Images Do your to-do lists stretch on and on — and on? Do you dread checking email on Friday afternoons, worried about seeing messages piling up when you’re just trying to get out the door? Or maybe you’ve noticed that anxiety is preventing you from concentrating on whatever you’re currently doing. You might feel […]
💡4 Amazing Infographic Tools On How To Create Perfect Social Media Posts 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2HFnPeu
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5 Things to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed by Your Workload
Russell Johnson/EyeEm/Getty Images Do your to-do lists stretch on and on — and on? Do you dread checking email on Friday afternoons, worried about seeing messages piling up when you’re just trying to get out the door? Or maybe you’ve noticed that anxiety is preventing you from concentrating on whatever you’re currently doing. You might feel […]
5 Things to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed by Your Workload
Russell Johnson/EyeEm/Getty Images Do your to-do lists stretch on and on — and on? Do you dread checking email on Friday afternoons, worried about seeing messages piling up when you’re just trying to get out the door? Or maybe you’ve noticed that anxiety is preventing you from concentrating on whatever you’re currently doing. You might feel […]
5 Things to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed by Your Workload
Russell Johnson/EyeEm/Getty Images Do your to-do lists stretch on and on — and on? Do you dread checking email on Friday afternoons, worried about seeing messages piling up when you’re just trying to get out the door? Or maybe you’ve noticed that anxiety is preventing you from concentrating on whatever you’re currently doing. You might feel […]
5 Things to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed by Your Workload
Russell Johnson/EyeEm/Getty Images Do your to-do lists stretch on and on — and on? Do you dread checking email on Friday afternoons, worried about seeing messages piling up when you’re just trying to get out the door? Or maybe you’ve noticed that anxiety is preventing you from concentrating on whatever you’re currently doing. You might feel […]
💡How to Gain a Massive Following on Instagram: 10 Proven Tactics To Grow Followers and Engagement 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2J6SXUW
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💡How to Gain a Massive Following on Instagram: 10 Proven Tactics To Grow Followers and Engagement 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2J6SXUW
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💡INFOGRAPHIC: The ULTRA Simple Formula To Write Killer Content Headlines 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2HR8zZm
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💡INFOGRAPHIC: The ULTRA Simple Formula To Write Killer Content Headlines 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2HR8zZm
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Why AI Will Shift Decision-Making From the C-Suite to the Frontline
Richard Ross/Getty Images Hardly a day goes by without the announcement of an incredible new frontier in Artificial Intelligence (AI). From fintech to edtech, what was once fantastically improbable is now a commercial reality. There is no question that big data and AI will bring about important advances in the realm of management, especially as […]
How to Earn a Reputation as a Fair Manager
SuperStock/Getty Images At some point in your career, you likely encountered a manager you believed was unfair. You probably thought to yourself, “When I’m a manager, I’m never going to be like that!” Now that you’ve been promoted to a management position, you’re probably dedicating significant amounts of time and energy to making unbiased decisions, […]
A Blueprint for Digital Companies’ Financial Reporting
Dorling Kindersley/Getty Images On July 25, 2018, Facebook lost market capitalization of more than $100 billion in just two hours of trading after it announced its quarterly performance, despite exceeding analysts’ earnings forecasts. What caused this slump? It failed to meet its revenue and subscriber growth targets. This example illustrates that investors consider information beyond just […]
The Right Way to Spend Your Innovation Budget
Walker and Walker/Getty Images Innovation is famously difficult — many projects end up losing money, frustrating employees, and going nowhere. And yet corporations and governments spend billions of dollars annually pursuing innovation. This huge spending would generate more value for businesses and societies if the innovation success rate were just a little higher. Is there a […]
💡A Simple 6-Step Framework for Running Social Media Experiments (with 87 Ideas Included) 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2GUhKXA
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💡A Simple 6-Step Framework for Running Social Media Experiments (with 87 Ideas Included) 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2GUhKXA
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The Right Way to Spend Your Innovation Budget
Walker and Walker/Getty Images Innovation is famously difficult — many projects end up losing money, frustrating employees, and going nowhere. And yet corporations and governments spend billions of dollars annually pursuing innovation. This huge spending would generate more value for businesses and societies if the innovation success rate were just a little higher. Is there a […]
The Right Way to Spend Your Innovation Budget
Walker and Walker/Getty Images Innovation is famously difficult — many projects end up losing money, frustrating employees, and going nowhere. And yet corporations and governments spend billions of dollars annually pursuing innovation. This huge spending would generate more value for businesses and societies if the innovation success rate were just a little higher. Is there a […]
The Right Way to Spend Your Innovation Budget
Walker and Walker/Getty Images Innovation is famously difficult — many projects end up losing money, frustrating employees, and going nowhere. And yet corporations and governments spend billions of dollars annually pursuing innovation. This huge spending would generate more value for businesses and societies if the innovation success rate were just a little higher. Is there a […]
The Right Way to Spend Your Innovation Budget
Walker and Walker/Getty Images Innovation is famously difficult — many projects end up losing money, frustrating employees, and going nowhere. And yet corporations and governments spend billions of dollars annually pursuing innovation. This huge spending would generate more value for businesses and societies if the innovation success rate were just a little higher. Is there a […]
How to Beat Mid-Career Malaise
Lynn Koenig/Getty Images We all have times when we wonder, “Am I at the right company? Am I in the right job? And is this all there is?” These questions are especially agonizing for mid-career professionals who may be searching for fulfillment while juggling demands at home and intense financial pressures to earn. How should you address a mid-career crisis? What actions […]
3 Questions About AI That Nontechnical Employees Should Be Able to Answer
Taylor Callery/Getty Images Articles about artificial intelligence often begin with an intention to shock readers, referencing classic works of science fiction or alarming statistics about impending job losses. But I think we get closer to the heart of AI in 2018 when we think about small and mundane ways in which AI makes work just […]
💡Powerful Strategies To Optimize Your Brand’s Digital Marketing Reach On Pinterest 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2qNuSY4
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3 Questions About AI That Nontechnical Employees Should Be Able to Answer
Taylor Callery/Getty Images Articles about artificial intelligence often begin with an intention to shock readers, referencing classic works of science fiction or alarming statistics about impending job losses. But I think we get closer to the heart of AI in 2018 when we think about small and mundane ways in which AI makes work just […]
💡Powerful Strategies To Optimize Your Brand’s Digital Marketing Reach On Pinterest 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2qNuSY4
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3 Questions About AI That Nontechnical Employees Should Be Able to Answer
Taylor Callery/Getty Images Articles about artificial intelligence often begin with an intention to shock readers, referencing classic works of science fiction or alarming statistics about impending job losses. But I think we get closer to the heart of AI in 2018 when we think about small and mundane ways in which AI makes work just […]
3 Questions About AI That Nontechnical Employees Should Be Able to Answer
Taylor Callery/Getty Images Articles about artificial intelligence often begin with an intention to shock readers, referencing classic works of science fiction or alarming statistics about impending job losses. But I think we get closer to the heart of AI in 2018 when we think about small and mundane ways in which AI makes work just […]
How to Beat Mid-Career Malaise
Lynn Koenig/Getty Images We all have times when we wonder, “Am I at the right company? Am I in the right job? And is this all there is?” These questions are especially agonizing for mid-career professionals who may be searching for fulfillment while juggling demands at home and intense financial pressures to earn. How should you address a mid-career crisis? What actions […]
💡How to Create Engaging Short Videos for Social Media (Including 7 Excellent Examples) 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2IM0epI
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How to Stop Saying “Um,” “Ah,” and “You Know”
Emma Innocenti/Getty Images Um. Ah. So. You Know. Like. Right? Well. When we find ourselves rattled while speaking — whether we’re nervous, distracted, or at a loss for what comes next — it’s easy to lean on filler words. These may give us a moment to collect our thoughts before we press on, and in […]
Make “Fairness by Design” Part of Machine Learning
dlanor s./unsplash Machine learning is increasingly being used to predict individuals’ attitudes, behaviors, and preferences across an array of applications — from personalized marketing to precision medicine. Unsurprisingly, given the speed of change and ever-increasing complexity, there have been several recent high-profile examples of “machine learning gone wrong.” A chatbot trained using Twitter was shut down after […]
Make “Fairness by Design” Part of Machine Learning
dlanor s./unsplash Machine learning is increasingly being used to predict individuals’ attitudes, behaviors, and preferences across an array of applications — from personalized marketing to precision medicine. Unsurprisingly, given the speed of change and ever-increasing complexity, there have been several recent high-profile examples of “machine learning gone wrong.” A chatbot trained using Twitter was shut down after […]
Make “Fairness by Design” Part of Machine Learning
dlanor s./unsplash Machine learning is increasingly being used to predict individuals’ attitudes, behaviors, and preferences across an array of applications — from personalized marketing to precision medicine. Unsurprisingly, given the speed of change and ever-increasing complexity, there have been several recent high-profile examples of “machine learning gone wrong.” A chatbot trained using Twitter was shut down after […]
Make “Fairness by Design” Part of Machine Learning
dlanor s./unsplash Machine learning is increasingly being used to predict individuals’ attitudes, behaviors, and preferences across an array of applications — from personalized marketing to precision medicine. Unsurprisingly, given the speed of change and ever-increasing complexity, there have been several recent high-profile examples of “machine learning gone wrong.” A chatbot trained using Twitter was shut down after […]
Learning from GE’s Stumbles
Roger Martin, a professor at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Business, offers two main reasons General Electric has lost its competitiveness. GE’s stock has been removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Martin blames pressures from activist investors as well as a short-sighted mergers and acquisitions strategy. He’s the author of “GE’s Fall […]
💡INFOGRAPHIC: 11 Responsive Web Design Resources To Drive Search Traffic 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2qNRBTL
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💡INFOGRAPHIC: 11 Responsive Web Design Resources To Drive Search Traffic 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2qNRBTL
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How Managers Can Prevent Their Teams from Burning Out
Kenny Williamson/Getty Images No organization wants to burn out its employees. And yet, according to new research, companies’ efforts to prevent prolonged stress among their staffs are falling short. When Deloitte recently surveyed 1,000 full-time employees in the United States, we found that that 77% had experienced burnout at their current jobs, and more than […]
What to Do If an Employer Asks You to Do a “Job Audition”
Ted Soqui/Getty Images You’ve applied for a job. Your resume has passed the first screen; maybe you’ve been interviewed, once, twice, or even more. You might feel you are in the homestretch, with a job offer on the near horizon. Then, a new hurdle appears in your path to a new role. Enter the job […]
Landing Amazon HQ2 Isn’t the Right Way for a City to Create Jobs. Here’s What Works Instead
Melissa Ross/Getty Images Amazon’s highly visible search for a second headquarters has offered one tremendous public benefit: it has raised public awareness of what bad economic development is. Even Saturday Night Live satirized the lengths to which local officials will go to woo a major company, which include offering massive amounts of taxpayer subsidies, despite […]
3 Ways AI Is Getting More Emotional
Wunderfool/Getty Images In January of 2018, Annette Zimmermann, vice president of research at Gartner, proclaimed: “By 2022, your personal device will know more about your emotional state than your own family.” Just two months later, a landmark study from the University of Ohio claimed that their algorithm was now better at detecting emotions than people […]
💡INFOGRAPHIC: 11 Responsive Web Design Resources To Drive Search Traffic 🌟 via @MarketingMuses 💫 marketingmuses.com ⭐️✨ http://bit.ly/2qNRBTL
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3 Ways AI Is Getting More Emotional
Wunderfool/Getty Images In January of 2018, Annette Zimmermann, vice president of research at Gartner, proclaimed: “By 2022, your personal device will know more about your emotional state than your own family.” Just two months later, a landmark study from the University of Ohio claimed that their algorithm was now better at detecting emotions than people […]
3 Ways AI Is Getting More Emotional
Wunderfool/Getty Images In January of 2018, Annette Zimmermann, vice president of research at Gartner, proclaimed: “By 2022, your personal device will know more about your emotional state than your own family.” Just two months later, a landmark study from the University of Ohio claimed that their algorithm was now better at detecting emotions than people […]
3 Ways AI Is Getting More Emotional
Wunderfool/Getty Images In January of 2018, Annette Zimmermann, vice president of research at Gartner, proclaimed: “By 2022, your personal device will know more about your emotional state than your own family.” Just two months later, a landmark study from the University of Ohio claimed that their algorithm was now better at detecting emotions than people […]
“Lean In” Messages and the Illusion of Control
Shana Novak/Getty Images In a world in which men dominate leadership roles, should we focus on changing the systems and structures that favor men at women’s expense? Or should we emphasize the tactics individual women can use to get ahead? Our research explored this question. The first message, that it’s processes and organizations that need […]