Whether you are lucky to wake up on the right side of the bed or your friends constantly refer to you as ‘Debbie Downer,’ feeling happy and content can be a daily challenge to overcome. By: Lourdes Mestre 18 Game-Changing Tactics To Achieve & Maintain Everyday Happiness Image Credit: Pixabay Achieving […]
Research Shows A Simple Way to Increase Your Engagement at Work
Research Shows A Simple Way to Increase Your Engagement at Work This article was originally published on HBR.org. Juj Winn/Getty Images It is no secret that many employees face work environments that are not very engaging. A 2016 poll by the Gallup Organization shows that only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. And […]
What Makes Positive Content Go Viral?
When videos go “viral,” they quickly get a lot of views on the internet, often through rapid user sharing on social media. The content of those videos varies a great deal, and they can be a mixture of user-generated content or carefully planned advertising. For example, the Old Spice marketing campaign in 2010 became a […]
Five Reasons to Take a Break from Screens
Every year in late spring, people from around the world choose to take a fresh look at their relationship with electronic media. They do so by participating in Screen-Free Week, which this year starts on April 30. This annual “media detox” began in 1994, when it was called TV-Turnoff Week, and has found renewed relevance […]
Six Habits of Highly Compassionate People
Would you describe yourself as a compassionate person? Even if you don’t necessarily see yourself that way, I bet you’re compassionate at least some of the time (e.g., when you’re well-rested and not in a hurry), or with certain people in your life (e.g., with your closest friends). Compassion can be thought of as a […]
The BEST Careers for Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type – @MarketingMuseAZ Blog
The Best Careers For Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type Many job placement companies and career counseling centers will factor in a person’s Myers-Briggs personality type when finding them in the perfect job. Find your type and find a job that fits your specific disposition. Ready to learn about the different Myers-Briggs Personality types? Take it a […]
Can Government Policies Make Us Happier?
The World Happiness Report has been published every year since 2012, giving countries important data about the well-being of their people and how it compares to other nations’. One of the primary proponents and editors of the report is renowned economist Baron Richard Layard of the London School of Economics. As a researcher, Layard has […]
How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome For Good
This article originally appeared on Glassdoor. I was working at a job I loved when I started to wonder whether I was a bit of a fraud. Digital strategy and client service was my forte. But when I was offered extra responsibilities that suddenly had me leading meetings with top affiliate global marketers (while I […]
How to Handle Negative Emotions at Work [Infographic]
There’s a popular phrase that I’ve heard quite a bit throughout life: “Don’t get mad. Get even.”
Are People Kinder in Racially Diverse Neighborhoods?
What do you look for in a community? How about helpful, giving residents—people who are eager to lend a hand? Recently published research suggests you’re more likely to find them in racially diverse neighborhoods. A research team led by Krishna Savani and Jared Nai of Singapore Management University reports people who live in such areas […]
Can Clean Air Reduce Crime Rates?
Most crime in the United States has been dropping for decades, according to several reports. There’s a lively debate as to why—but a new study suggests one more factor to consider: Air pollution has been dropping, too. Jackson Lu of Columbia Business School and colleagues looked at data on toxic chemicals or compounds in the […]
INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Ways to Keep the Creative Juices Flowing in Your Home Office – via @MarketingMuseAZ Blog
Keeping The Creative Juices Flowing at Home: A Creative Homebody’s Guide to Staying Inspired 1. Create Playlists for Every Type of Mood Having playlists for every type of mood can set the tone for whatever output you’re creating. Instead of playing songs on shuffle, curate mood playlists that flow well. 2. Immerse Yourself […]
Unhappy at Work? Here’s How to Tell Whether the Problem Is Your Job or Your Company
This article originally appeared on Glassdoor. Do you want to change careers? Are you absolutely sure? From my own career change to the stories I hear from my clients and workshop students, often we think we want to change careers when the problem is our work environment instead. If you find yourself stuck, unsure what to do next, […]
Self-Compassion for Parents
When was the last time you beat yourself up for a parenting failure? Perhaps your daughter got a D+ on the math test—and you regret some harsh words. Maybe you’re telling yourself that you bungled advice to your fifth-grader about how to handle an annoying classmate. You couldn’t keep your promise to attend your son’s […]
Can You Be Too Selfless in Your Relationships?
How much should we help others? In our close relationships, is it better to care for others or to put our own needs first? You may have faced this dilemma yourself if your partner ever asked you to help with the dishes after a long workday, for example, or a friend asked you for an […]
7 Body Language Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Next Job Interview [Infographic]
7 Body Language Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Next Job Interview It’s finally the big day: you landed a major job interview. And you’re prepared for it. You’ve polished up your resume, picked out a spiffy outfit, and prepared a few ready-to-go answers highlighting your qualifications, your knowledge of the company, and your greatest not-so-bad […]
Why Timing Matters for Your Happiness and Success
Are you a morning person or a night owl? You probably instinctively know this about yourself—you may even joke about it from time to time. But you probably don’t give it much import or consider the implications beyond your sleep schedule. But, according to author Daniel Pink, that would be a mistake. In his new […]
How These Teens Found Their Purpose in Life
Can Self-Awareness Help You Be More Empathic?
By definition, empathy is a social practice—it’s an arm around the shoulder and a few reassuring words, an “I hear you.” But two new studies suggest that empathic people aren’t just skilled at navigating other people’s emotions. They’re in touch with their own feelings, too—which means that self-awareness may be one of the foundations of […]
The Introvert’s Guide to Nailing a Job Interview [Infographic]
When people see the word “introvert,” they often think of qualities that don’t actually describe introverted people at all.
What We Can Learn from Sensation Seekers
Cliff diving isn’t a typical activity for a person who’s afraid of heights. But Mike, a 20-year-old intern living in Atlanta, skydives and cliff-dives as often as he can. Sophie cycles, climbs, runs, and travels. She tried skydiving but didn’t enjoy it because she says she’s not into high-adrenaline activities. For Sophie, satisfaction comes from […]
How Do Young People Really Feel about Technology?
When I was interviewing college students about technology, one young woman told me how—after getting mugged for her smartphone on a Chicago bus—she chased her muggers off the bus and down the street, then offered them $150 in exchange for returning her phone. They gave it back. Afterward, the police told her it was a […]
How to Feel More Alive at Work
Why do we devote so much effort to being happier in our personal lives, but accept that work sucks? Americans are stressed and disengaged. Many of us complain about Mondays; we TGIF. We drag ourselves to the office and wait for the clock to strike 5 p.m., but we think that’s all normal. “We’ve sometimes […]
How the Threat of Climate Change Makes You Biased
The prospect of a dangerously warming planet inspires us to cling more tightly to our tribe. That is the discouraging finding of two newly published studies. One reports that confronting people with climate-change warnings provoked higher levels of ethnocentrism among residents of a central European nation—and decreased their intentions of acting in Earth-friendly ways. The […]
How to Keep Your Smartphone from Hurting Your Relationships
By 2016, 77 percent of U.S. adults owned a smartphone. Although they’re just small rectangular objects in our pockets, smartphones are leading to significant shifts in how we interact with the world. Sensationalist news headlines tell us that “smartphones have destroyed a generation” and “social media is ripping apart society.” But what does the research […]
How to Know if You’ve Married the Wrong Person
Episode 10: Is There Someone You Need to Thank?
How to Reduce the Impact of Childhood Trauma
How to Be Yourself When You Have Social Anxiety
When you don’t feel comfortable in social situations, it can be a lonely world. Take my youngest son. Despite his intelligence, kindness, and great sense of humor, he’s shy about reaching out to others. In comparison to many of his peers, he seems to spend a lot of time alone and rarely joins group activities. […]
How Mindfulness Protects You as You Get Older
In our minds, old age is often associated with a variety of ills, from aches and pains to forgetting where you put the keys. But research consistently finds that older adults tend to experience more positive emotion than their younger counterparts. Why might this be? A first-of-its-kind study explored this “well-being paradox” and found that […]
How to Hardwire Resilience into Your Brain
One winter, I went camping with my friend Bob in the backcountry near Sequoia National Park. After spending the day slogging uphill through deep snow, we were exhausted but needed to make camp. As the temperature rapidly dropped, Bob began shivering uncontrollably. He had poured out so much energy without refueling himself that he was […]
Episode 9: Can you Predict What Will Make You Happy?
Do Young Kids in America Have Racist Beliefs?
Can Losing a Loved One Make You More Grateful?
My sister and I sat in my mother’s bedroom—her sanctuary and prison, where cancer had kept her confined on and off for the past six years—as she looked out the window longingly. The stunningly sunny July day reminded her of everything she loved doing outdoors: tending to her roses, smelling strangers’ babies’ heads, cheering for […]
Seven Insights to Help You Make Sense of Gun Violence
Nine Scientists Share Their Favorite Happiness Practices
How can we create a happier world? That question is on many people’s minds today, as we celebrate the sixth annual International Day of Happiness. This event grew out of a United Nations resolution affirming happiness as a fundamental human goal—and suggesting that we should approach economic growth in a way that promotes well-being for […]
Episode 8: How to Find Your Best Possible Self
The Science of Happiness Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by GGSC Director Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by the GGSC and PRI. All Episodes
How to Bring Self-Compassion to Work with You
“I’m going to fail. This is a total sham.” “I’m not smart enough to do this. Why did I ever think I could?” “Why is no one else having this problem? Everyone is doing better at this than me.” Advertisement X GGSC Event: Hardwire Resilience with Dr. Rick Hanson March 30 in Berkeley | 6 […]
Three Ways to Overcome Fear of Failure at Work
Most people don’t know this about me, but I applied to graduate school five times. Each collection of annual rejection letters stung. I failed again, I thought every time I didn’t get in. But now, looking back on these failures with my Ph.D. in hand, I see that each one was a learning experience, a part […]
How to Help Gratitude Grow in Your Kids
Episode 7: How Gratitude Benefits Your Brain
The Science of Happiness Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by GGSC Director Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by the GGSC and PRI. All Episodes
Why People Lose Motivation — and What Managers Can Do to Help
Why People Lose Motivation — and What Managers Can Do to Help This article was originally published on HBR.org. Brandon Lyon/Getty Images At some point, every leader has dealt with a person — or, worse, a group of people — who has lost motivation. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? As much as we’ve been there ourselves, sometimes […]
How to Address Gender Inequality in Health Care
Doctors Feel Excluded from Health Care Value Efforts
Doctors Feel Excluded from Health Care Value Efforts This article was originally published on HBR.org on Oct. 6th, 2017. Executive Summary U.S. hospitals and healthcare groups have experimented over the past decade with new management structures and alternative payment models to provide quality healthcare at lower cost. But physicians have been slow to embrace these for a host of […]
6 Interview Questions to Assess Emotional Intelligence
Despite what you might have come to believe after sorting through the internet’s seemingly bottomless slew of articles on the subject, emotional intelligence is more than…
How to Find Your Purpose in Midlife
My youngest will be going off to college next fall, meaning I’ll soon be an empty nester. After having raised my kids for the last 22 years or so, a large part of my purpose in life will leave along with my son. I know I’m not alone in feeling both sad and panicky about […]
Nine Ways to Help Students Discuss Guns and Violence
Episode 6: Krista Tippett on Being Grounded in Your Body
The Science of Happiness Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by GGSC Director Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by the GGSC and PRI. All Episodes
Is Gratitude Good for Your Health?
After 15 years of research, we know that gratitude is a key to psychological well-being. Gratitude can make people happier, improve their relationships, and potentially even counteract depression and suicidal thoughts. But might the benefits of gratitude go beyond that? Could gratitude be good for your physical health, too? While some studies have associated gratitude […]
What Self-Compassion Feels Like in Your Body
I am in an auditorium with 200 other people, staring into a stranger’s eyes, and I am crying. As part of our Science of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion workshop, psychologist Kristin Neff had asked participants to turn to the person next to them and imagine all her pain—her struggles and losses, her sorrows and setbacks. I’d […]
Virtual Therapy is The New Now – An Interview With Alon Matas, Founder & President of BetterHelp – via @BetterHelp @HuffPost
This article originally appeared on Huffington Post – please find it here. by: Sarah Fader, Contributor | CEO – Stigma Fighters Virtual Therapy is becoming increasingly popular in our modern world. There are several companies that provide this service to busy professionals, people who have severe anxiety disorders and cannot leave their homes, students that […]
Ten Films that Highlight the Best in Humanity
How to Say Thank You to Your Partner
In my research, I’ve invited couples in romantic relationships to come into the laboratory and thank their partner for something—with video cameras rolling. They express gratitude for a wide variety of things, big and small: for keeping him company in the hospital during a week-long stay, for making sure to prioritize visits to the in-laws, […]
Episode 5: Walk Outside with Inside Out’s Pete Docter
The Importance of Fostering Emotional Diversity in Boys
You’re given a choice: Would you rather spend your day feeling happy, versus happy interspersed with some moments of sadness, frustration, and anxiety? Most of us would choose the first option in a heartbeat. Psychologists, too, long championed the importance of cultivating positive emotions as one path toward optimizing well-being, resilience to stressors, and salutary […]
Why We Should Help Boys to Embrace All Their Feelings
You’re given a choice: Would you rather spend your day feeling happy, versus happy interspersed with some moments of sadness, frustration, and anxiety? Most of us would choose the first option in a heartbeat. Psychologists, too, long championed the importance of cultivating positive emotions as one path toward optimizing well-being, resilience to stressors, and salutary […]
Five Ways to Reignite Your Passion for Teaching
What gives you a sense of meaning in your work, even on the tough days? When I posed this question to a group of teachers recently, no one focused on academics. Instead, their responses centered on their students’ engagement, the sense of participating in something larger than themselves, and the deep satisfaction they gained from […]
Five Ways to Reignite Your Passion for Teaching
What gives you a sense of meaning in your work, even on the tough days? When I posed this question to a group of teachers recently, no one focused on academics. Instead, their responses centered on their students’ engagement, the sense of participating in something larger than themselves, and the deep satisfaction they gained from […]
Episode 4: Learning to Laugh at Yourself
The Science of Happiness Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by GGSC Director Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by the GGSC and PRI. All Episodes
How to Help Your Kids Get Organized Without Nagging
“Brush your teeth!” “Where are your socks?” “Don’t forget to bring a sweatshirt!” Advertisement X GGSC Event: The Science of Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Join Kristin Neff & Shauna Shapiro Feb. 23-24 | 10 CEs “Where’s the homework you finished last night?” Too often, weekday mornings can seem like a race against the clock. When your […]
How to Help Your Kids Get Organized Without Nagging
“Brush your teeth!” “Where are your socks?” “Don’t forget to bring a sweatshirt!” Advertisement X GGSC Event: The Science of Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Join Kristin Neff & Shauna Shapiro Feb. 23-24 | 10 CEs “Where’s the homework you finished last night?” Too often, weekday mornings can seem like a race against the clock. When your […]
How Mind-Wandering May Be Good For You
When writing a song or a piece of prose, I often choose to let my mind wander, hoping the muse will strike. If it does, it not only moves my work along but feels great, too! That’s why I was troubled by studies that found an association between mind-wandering and problems like unhappiness and depression—and […]
How Photography Can Help Cultivate Mindfulness and Gratitude
If you were to think about teaching both mindfulness and gratitude to students, photography might not be the first method that comes to mind. But mindfulness is, at its core, a state of open awareness and attention—and to feel gratitude, we first have to truly notice the good things in life. Looked at that way, […]
How Photography Can Help Cultivate Mindfulness and Gratitude
If you were to think about teaching both mindfulness and gratitude to students, photography might not be the first method that comes to mind. But mindfulness is, at its core, a state of open awareness and attention—and to feel gratitude, we first have to truly notice the good things in life. Looked at that way, […]
How to Increase the Love in Your Life
We know Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark holiday, created mostly to sell cards and flowers. But are we going to let that stop us from celebrating and understanding love? Not on your life. That’s because love is what makes the world go ‘round—not only in song and movies, but in science, too. According to psychologists […]
Episode 3: How to Fall in Love with Anyone
The Science of Happiness Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by GGSC Director Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by the GGSC and PRI. All Episodes
Six Ways to Help Your Child Deal with Social Exclusion
The mom of a third-grade girl sits in my office, her face buried in her hands. Through muffled sobs, she tells me that she’s at a loss. She’s tried everything to help her daughter repair her friendships at school—arranging coffee dates with the families of the other girls, meeting with the teacher and school director, […]
Could Mindfulness Help You Control Your Anger?
I still remember the time I hit one of my close friends. It happened many years ago. We were exiting a chemistry class together, and he was teasing me…mercilessly. I repeatedly asked him to stop, but he wouldn’t. Rather than shrugging it off, though, I hit him hard on the arm. Both of us were […]
Episode 2: Quieting Your Inner Critic
The Science of Happiness Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by GGSC Director Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by the GGSC and PRI. All Episodes
Episode 1: Three Good Things
The Science of Happiness Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by GGSC Director Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by the GGSC and PRI. All Episodes
How Top Performers Achieve More and Stay Happy
At times, being happy and performing well at work can feel like conflicting goals. We want to prepare a good presentation, but we also want to make it home for dinner with our partner. We want to get promoted, but we don’t necessarily want the stress that comes with more responsibility. Where do these two […]
Couples That Work from Women at Work #Podcast by Harvard Business Review – @HarvardBiz
Couples That Work from Women at Work #Podcast by Harvard Business Review This article + podcast was originally published on HBR.org. From the Women at Work podcast: Listen and subscribe to our podcast via Apple Podcasts | Google Play | RSS Download this podcast Simmering resentments over whose career comes first. Bickering over household tasks. Arguments […]
Being Around Nature Helps You Love Your Body
Not happy with what you see when you look in a mirror? Well, you can take a hike. Seriously. New research from the United Kingdom finds strolling in nature—or even looking at photographs of the natural world—leaves people feeling better about their bodies. In recent years, a series of studies have found that time spent […]
What “The Good Place” Says about Good and Evil
“Welcome! Everything is fine.” Those are the first words Eleanor Shellstrop (played by Kristen Bell) sees on the wall in front of her when she opens her eyes in the first minutes of the NBC television series The Good Place. Chidi, Tahani, Eleanor, and Jason in “The Good Place.” Eleanor has died and gone to […]
How to Use Your Unconscious Mind to Achieve Your Goals
It’s the end of January. How many of us made New Year’s resolutions this year, but have already broken them? Maybe we told ourselves we’ll exercise more, or spend more time with our children, or not get so angry all the time. But we’re no closer to these goals than we were before. It turns […]
Can Gratitude Help You Recover from a Heart Attack?
Why do some people recover after a heart attack while others don’t? I am a psychiatrist who has spent the last 13 years focusing on improving the mental health of people who have heart disease and other medical conditions. Over time, as I saw more and more hospitalized patients who had just had a major […]
13 Magic Questions To Help You Quickly + Easily Craft Your Perfect Coaching Offer – Infographic
The Science Behind A Happy Relationship – Infographic
Which Social Media Network Makes Us Feel the Worst? [New Data]
I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve deactivated Facebook, re-joined, and deactivated again, only to repeat the process.
Keep the Fire Burning Without Burning Out: Freelancer Motivation Tips
I remember the days when I longed to be paid to write. I would daydream during my job of having the flexibility to work…
To Solve a Problem, Stop Thinking About It – via @HarvardBiz
When you’re trying to come up with a creative solution to a problem, you might be tempted to buckle down and focus until you solve it. But recent research shows that taking breaks at regular intervals leads to better outcomes. Set a timer for a certain amount of time, say, 30 minutes. When it goes […]
Forget the 9 to 5 — Research Suggests There’s A Case For the 3-hour Workday
This article originally appeared on Business Insider. Source: Forget the 9 to 5 — research suggests there’s a case for the 3-hour workday Business Insider by feedback@businessinsider.com (Chris Weller) Claro Cortes/Reuters The average worker spends most of the eight-hour workday doing many other things beside work, including eating, socializing, or reading the news. Psychologists have found […]