When you’re a working parent, it can be helpful to have the flexibility to work remotely. But your in-office colleagues may wonder just how much you’re getting done. To help the boss and coworkers appreciate your work, provide small, clear signals that your commitment and work ethic are strong. For example, you might send emails first thing in the morning to show you’re already up and at it. Or, go out of your way to let colleagues know you’ve read their documents carefully: “Brad, thanks for this — the data on page six will be helpful in our quarterly review process.” You can also take calls in the early morning or late at night as a favor to coworkers in other time zones. And try to stop into the office every few weeks or attend special meetings when you can. These tactics will help show how eager and hardworking you are.
Source: Adapted from “How to Work from Home When You Have Kids,” by Daisy Wademan Dowling