We have been using the iPhone X for two weeks and have found the fluidity of the touch-based interface and the beauty of the new OLED screen very inspiring. We just pushed out a new version of Feedly that takes advantage of these new features and more. We hope that you will enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed building it.
New Layout
The new Feedly app is optimized for the iconic iPhone notch and respects the bottom home area.

New OLED-Friendly Black Theme
The iPhone X comes with an incredible OLED display. We transformed the Feedly dark theme to pure black, creating a sharper and more energy efficient experience.

Seamless Buffer Integration
Lots of Feedly Pro users use the content they discover in Feedly to mold their digital identity and showcase their expertise on Social Media. Buffer makes sharing on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and other networks easier and more efficient. In this new version of Feedly, we have optimized the user experience for Feedly+Buffer users. In one click, you can jump from reading an article in Feedly to sharing that article in the Buffer app.
Thank you to Andy and the Buffer team for their collaboration on this joint project!

Polish, Polish, Polish…
- Upgraded the Twitter and Facebook integrations so that you can easily share articles you find interesting
- Improved the Google News keyword alert integration
- Enhanced the source discovery experience
- Fixed iPad share selection crash
- Fixed iOS 11 save image crash
Available in the App Store (free)
SOURCE: https://feedly.com/i/subscription/feed%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.harvardbusiness.org%2Fharvardbusiness%2F
LINK: https://blog.feedly.com/feedly-for-iphone-x/