We’re busy searching all of Europe for the very best and brightest developers, hackers, tech builders and marketers. Why? Because we want you to come and compete in the TechCrunch Hackathon at VivaTech, of course! The Hackathon takes place at the Expo Porte de Versailles in Paris on May 25-26 and, if you act quickly enough, you can get your free tickets today. Alors, dépêche-toi!
Hundreds of supremely talented individuals will gather, form ad-hoc teams and combine their skills to hack, code and program their way to a new product like Quick Insurance, for example, the grand-prize winner of Disrupt Berlin Hackathon 2017. Or maybe something completely unlike it. That’s the awesome thing about the Hackathon. You just never know what might happen.
You get a mere 24 hours to conceive, design and build your tech creation and submit via BeMyApp, the official Hackathon platform. Then each team gets just 60 seconds to present their product to a panel of Hackathon judges — who award each team a ranking from 1-5. It’s arduous work at a feverish, frantic pace. And it’s glorious, semi-chaotic fun.
The grand-prize winner walks away with €5,000 and serious bragging rights. Plus, every team that earns a three or higher scores five tickets to VivaTech 2019 and two Innovator tickets to TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin in November.
But hey, it’s not a proper Hackathon without contests and prizes from our sponsors and this, you can be sure, is a proper Hackathon. We’ve got the scoop on our first sponsor challenge from leboncoin:
Almost everyone in France knows leboncoin. 98 million exchanges per year, leboncoin is the first classifieds site in France, in real estate, jobs, vehicles and other categories, with 1 million new ads every day. leboncoin is challenging our hackers to develop a marketplace of the future that emphasizes and improves on the relationship between the buyer and the seller. Feel free to use innovative technologies like augmented reality, IoT, and artificial intelligence – the hacker with the most creative product will get €5000.
There’s only one criterion to participate in this Hackathon: you must be a resident of one of these European countries. Tickets are free, but the supply is limited. If you want the chance to show us your mad skills, come to the TechCrunch Hackathon at Vivatech. Get your free tickets right here.