Utilizing Facebook can be a relatively inexpensive and effective way for businesses to reach new and existing customers, advertise upcoming promotions, and collect reviews. However, using Facebook to successfully market your company’s products and services requires a huge learning curve. As a result, many business owners waste time and money on social media campaigns that fail to deliver the ROI they were hoping for. If you’d like to achieve better results with your Facebook social media campaigns, here are ways to create a more captivating campaign.
Take the Time to Create Accurate Pixels
Before paying for any Facebook ads, it is very important to take your time creating accurate pixels of your target market. The pixels you make represent your target customers. By choosing the narrowest market of customers who would actually be interested in your products or services, you’ll only pay for Facebook ads that reach this customer. You will have a better chance of converting these users into customers because more of them will have fit into your target market in the first place.
Test Paid Ads
Paid Facebook ads don’t work for everyone. Just because one type of ad worked for your competitor, doesn’t mean that it will deliver results for your business. When it comes time to pay for a Facebook ad, go slowly. Test out several different options in smaller ad batches to see if any of them gain traction. You don’t want to waste a ton of money on a Facebook ad that doesn’t resonate with your target market.
Evaluate Performance Consistently
Even if your Facebook ad gets good results once doesn’t mean that it will give you results forever. To ensure that your Facebook ad works, you’ll need to evaluate its performance regularly. Does the ad get the same level of conversions? Do you need to create a fresh ad that targets the same customers? Remember that new customers likely need to see your business at least three times before they feel comfortable enough to make a purchase. When a Facebook ad starts to underperform, it might be time to create a new one.
Include Custom Images
Stock images are overused. Your customers see stock images everywhere. When you use a stock image, it won’t stand out among these other ads. Aim to use an original and interesting photo in each of your ads. This image could be of your team, your business, or something striking that’s related.
Use Sales Strategies in Short Copy
When you create the short copy for your Facebook ad, use sales strategies. Focus on what’s in it for the customer and get to the point. You won’t have a lot of room to engage them with anything else.
In addition to these strategies, having professionally written content can make a big difference. Hiring writers through a platform like Content Writers can ensure that you have the most captivating written content possible.
January 11, 2018 4:10 pm