If you work with someone who isn’t a team player, it’s tempting to shun the person for not chipping in when they should. But you’re better off reaching out to that person and making a connection. You can start by approaching your colleague with friendly questions, rather than accusations. You might ask “What else is going on for you right now?” The roots of their behavior may surprise you. The person could be dealing with a stressful situation at home that is leading to distraction at the office. Or they may be feeling work pressures that you are unaware of. Don’t make assumptions about why they have a bad attitude. Find out more information. Consider taking your colleague out to coffee or lunch. And bring along a couple of colleagues to promote team cohesion. More interactions will promote friendlier group relations.
Source: Adapted from “How to Work with Someone Who Isn’t a Team Player,” by Carolyn O’Hara
Source: HBR Management Tips
If a Colleague Has a Bad Attitude, Find Out Why