ACM Private CA is available in in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), EU (Frankfurt) and EU (Ireland).
Public and private certificates provisioned through AWS Certificate Manager for use with ACM-integrated services, such as Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon CloudFront, and Amazon API Gateway services are free. You pay for the AWS resources you create to run your application. AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority has pay as you go pricing. You pay a monthly fee for the operation of each ACM Private CA until you delete it. You also pay for the private certificates you create and export from ACM, such as those used with EC2 or on-premises servers or the ones you issue directly from your Private CA by creating the private key yourself.
To learn more about ACM Private Certificate Authority, see ACM Private Certificate Authority.