When work is intense, it’s easy to beat yourself up for letting things slip at the office or at home. But doing so can make the stress worse. Have self-compassion instead: Accept that you’re in an acute period of work stress and notice — don’t suppress or deny — your emotions. Assigning a word to what you’re feeling, such as “pressure,” “guilt,” or “worry,” can activate the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functioning skills. Assess your to-do list by deciding what you need to get done each day and what can wait. And don’t be afraid to ask for help, whether it’s renegotiating a deadline with a colleague or getting family members to pitch in at home. Having compassion for yourself will help you increase your focus and get through the crunch with greater ease and peace.
Source: Adapted from “5 Ways to Focus Your Energy During a Work Crunch,” by Amy Jen Su