If you and a colleague are in a tug-of-war over who owns a project or who gets to decide how to use your team’s budget, you might feel frustrated or threatened. But getting angry won’t help you reach a resolution. Forget the win-lose paradigm; approach the situation by focusing on a common goal. Try to show the other person that you’re open-minded and that you want what’s best for the organization (and make sure that’s true). And don’t think of the colleague as your mortal enemy, tempting as that may be. Chances are they aren’t out to get you — sometimes people’s responsibilities simply conflict. Ask your boss to step in if the two of you can’t figure out a way forward. Most important, be patient. Addressing the tug-of-war is likely going to take some time, so don’t try to force a resolution.
Source: Adapted from “How to Navigate a Turf War at Work,” by Amy Gallo