Creativity can fade when you get bored or discouraged at work. To get your creative juices flowing again, change your habits: Make an effort to try something new every month. Meet new people at work. Talk to new clients. Look for intersections — places where your department’s work overlaps with another’s. Volunteer for a cross-functional activity. And seek out obstacles as opportunities for research and analysis. (Why is it there? Whom does it serve? What are its effects? What are other ways of getting the results you’re looking for?) Start by selecting obstacles you can change, and continue on from there. Find ways to share what you know with others — write an article, lead a training session, or mentor a young upstart.
Source: Adapted from “How to Spark Creativity When You’re in a Rut,” by Priscilla Claman
Source: HBR Management Tips
To Get Out of a Creativity Rut, Change Your Habits