Having a passive-aggressive boss can be frustrating. Whether they’re limiting access to information you need or giving you the cold shoulder when you disappoint them, it’s hard to address the negative behavior without triggering repercussions. Approach your manager from a place of respect, and resist the urge to be passive-aggressive in return. Raise your concerns in a nonjudgmental, matter-of-fact way. For example, you might say, “I’ve noticed in our last several meetings that you’ve made sarcastic comments about my work. I can’t tell if you’re just being funny, or if you actually have concerns about the quality of my work. I’d love to hear any ideas you have on how I could improve.” Give your manager the benefit of the doubt, and don’t make the conversation about your hurt feelings. It may feel unjust that you have to manage a senior person’s immature behavior, but the improvement in your relationship just might be worth it.
Source: Adapted from “How to Deal with a Passive-Aggressive Boss,” by Ron Carucci